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Sound issue with mods installed

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Posted (edited)

When I try and install the Gnomefather's Historical Realism Gun Sounds, I don't have any other sound other than the guns. No music, no engines, no crew. Is there a setting I need to adjust or is it just bugged for now?


Edited by Rogan070
added logs
Posted (edited)

I'm assuming you want the logs with the Gnomefather's installed. I had uninstalled them and only had the Engine sounds mod active, which it seemed worked fine, as I had music when I logged back in. I inserted those logs to the initial post. I am going to reinstall the Gnomefather's and add the logs for that to this post.


I also have the EN Female Voice Announcer, and the English Julie voice pack installed, but they seem to work just fine.


I just reinstalled the Gnomefather's and noticed I could just barely hear something so I checked the volume settings and was able to have the sound after adjusting them back to full. It seemed to have lowered the volume on other sounds considerably. I am still not sure if there is engine sound with the Gnomefather's active though. Testing a few matches to see. Nope, Engine sounds does not appear to be working with the Gnomefather's installed, or it is too quiet to hear even with volume increased.



update: I uninstalled the engine sound mod, and now have game engine sound working.

Edited by Rogan070
Posted (edited)

Okay, so I had to restart the game and lost sound again with just the Gnomefather's, UT announcer and Julie voice pack installed. Going to have to remove it until it's fixed.


Edited by Rogan070
added logs

Maybe i can help? :)

Checked your logs and noticed BanksLoader, think that's the issue here...at least with Gnomefather's Gun Sound (by Zorgane)

I personally use BanksLoader, even SoundInjector and i did try experimenting using only Engine Sound mod (that use loader and injector)
with Zorgane Gun Sound or Shimada's Gun Sound and i had same issues (missing engine sound)
Same goes with UT Announcer (that use only loader)

So my solution was to stop using sound mods that have custom scripts/configs inside res_mods or they create/edit audioww/audio_mods.xml
remove mods that use BanksLoader and SoundInjector

ATM my sound setup is: Gnomefather's Engine and Gun Sounds(by Fedor), UT Male Announcer(by Andre_V), Julie Voiceover and Reload "UP" Sound

Hope this help? ;)


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