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Press Left ALT to show ammo info - mod

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Long time ago there was a mod when it was pressed Left ALT it was shown between the tank and bottom panel in game, info about ammo and penetration.

Is this mod still in Aslain pack ? How is it called or where is placed cause i can't find it.



Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, simi_id said:

...Long time ago there was a mod...Left ALT...between the tank and bottom panel...info about ammo and penetration...

hmm...so basically damage log area?

Usually xvm damage log and damage log mods use that hotkey.
So its some sort of log mod then? that shows info about shell type and penetration of shell that hits you?

You said long time ago, are you talking about old Multi hit log mod? that mod is outdated...but that mod didn't show penetration

Don't think such mod exist these days. At least not under damage log mods, info about shell type sure, but actual pen of shell? ...no

Only mods i can think of are info panel and received damage announcer, but not 100% accurate. (both inside Aslain's modpack)

edit:I don't know...unless you are talking about your ammo/pen...maybe penetration indicator?

Edited by Ress

It was showing 3 square boxes with the ammo equiped AP, APCR, HE and damage/pen value for each one. Not damage log.


Ok, so yeah...it appears to be info panel.
Haven't used that mod in ages, but some versions have left alt option (to show own info), forgot about those.

btw you can always hold lctrl and mouse over each shell=profit? :astonished:



I've installed this and it show about enemy tank. I was reffering about your own tank, without the need to press left Ctrl and mouse over your ammo.

It was long time ago Info Panel where you press left ALT and it was showing you info about your own ammo.

It had 2 options to be shown between crosshair and ammo/consumables boxes, or just above consumable boxes.



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