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Fun Mod: Training Room Hide and Seek

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Would like a mod that on a hotkey, switchs berween the following 2 modes:


1) Competative play mode (use this mode on start):

No changes made to UI


2) Hide and Seek mode:

a) Removes all enemys from minimap

b) Removes outlines and markers enemy tanks on the map


Well, in theory "maybe" its doable with xvm,  hide markers (enemy section?) and minimap part (with flags?).
But outlines, another mod/py macro might be required (that allows customization of outline (there is one xvm py macro for outlines, that "might" work, maybe idk).
As for hotkeys, easily doable (basically switch between 2 configs, toggle on/off).

Honestly, maybe you are better of trying it yourself... just saying.
Its kinda, you know... bizarre request. ;)

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