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Apply MatchMaking Monitor Data To Overhead Name

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Apply "Matchmaking Monitor" Data To Players' Overhead Name In-Game:  show the color of their rating somehow (keep HP bars green/red for teammates/enemies, or use some other differentiator for teammate/enemy while using their Rating color as their HP bar color, etc.) along with a choice of visible overall-WR%/Avgdamage, ship-WR%/Avgdamage, etc.    

Posted (edited)
On 1/9/2019 at 11:56 AM, Aslain said:

You can try to make a request on the author's discord https://discord.gg/Tds7WBs

Ah ok, yea there's that direct authorship known for that particular app.   There's also the online sites that have stats which run their own PR (Personal Rating) calculation by picking data directly from WoWs (https://na.wows-numbers.com/).   I suppose I was just tossing this recommendation out into the ether.  So how does this work; kind of like a community billboard for anyone that programs to walk past and pick out an idea if they so choose?  I don't want to seem like I'm demanding anything unduly...just thinking up a concept and seeing if it sticks for anyone capable enough to bring it to fruition. 

Edited by noobtatokun

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