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Damage Log GambitER

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23 hours ago, Aslain said:

So it's working fine now or .....?

Thanks for checking back. I tried different combinations of GambitER's damage logs but had the same result with all of them. I've been using it with Shtys  damage panel so decided to just not use the damage logs at all. That's when I found out that Shty's panel has a damage log attached to it and I guess that may have been the problem. I like the GambitER log with the spit XFT set up a little better but this works ok as it is. A little trial and error never hurts. Btw, I've been playing frontline and I guess they disable all mods in that event so in order to play it I have to unload all the mods. Otherwise it disables all the equipment I install (Fire Extinguisher, Med Pack, Mechanical Repair kit) and you go into battle with none of them. Is removing the mod pack with mod cleaner the only way to do that? Let me know if I should start another thread for that.

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