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Different OTM depending on the type of battle.

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Posted (edited)

Hi. Any mod where OTM could be reconfigured according to the type of battle? With a name, no name etc? Thx


Or turn on / off in the game (with XVM OTM)

Edited by Blitzmoon
  • 2 weeks later...

You can do this within the XVM OTM markers, by manually configuring the config files.  For example I configured my markers so that the playerName shows over the tanks in normal view when it's a platoon mate or if it's a Clan Battle (skirmish, advance or global map).  Otherwise the playername only shows up when I use the ALT key.



I don't know what options you are currently using for your OTM, but here are some of the changes that I made for the Playernames showing up differently in different battle types.  A couple of things to note first:


{{name}} - Shows the playername only

{{nick}} - Shows the playername + [CLAN]


So my config has:

markersAliveNormal.xc, in the playerName section:

"format": "<font size='{{battletype=epic_battle?0|{{battletype?15|{{squad?15|0}}}}}}'>{{name}}</font>"

- this config shows the playername if I'm in a clan/tournament type battle and the playername for my platoonmates.

- this sets a font size of 0 (so that nothing is shown) for  Grand Battles (epic_battle).  Otherwise if the battletype is not blank in the texts.rc (I've attached mine for reference which has it none-blank for effectively Clan or Tournament type activities) it sets the font size to 15.  For any battletype if I'm platooned, it also shows the playername.  Any battletype that shows as blank ("") in the texts.rc file is set to a font size of 0.


markersAliveExtended.xc, in the playername section:

"format": "{{battletype=epic_battle?{{nick}}|{{battletype?{{name}}|{{squad?{{name}}|{{nick}}}}}}}}"

- this config, when the alt key is pressed, shows the playername (name only) in clan/tournament type battles & platoonmates, in all other battles it shows (name + clan)


For markersDeadNormal.xc I don't show any playernames, and in markersDeadExtended.xc I use the same config as shown above for markersAliveExtended.xc.


I've zipped up my OTM related config (which includes additional configuration beyond the above) in the attached file if you'd like to check it out.  The config is based on Aslains config, but is relatively simple compared to running Aslain's full blown OTM.  This can be unzipped and placed right in the res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain folder.


Hope this helps.


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