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Selected mods doesn't work

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today i have downloaded and installed newest version of ModPack, installed but problem is that many mods doesn't work even when i chosed to install them, they were working normal on previous version but not now.
Mods that doesn't work:
-Circles (maximum drawing isn't red, but yellow)
-Lines (vehicle direction, camera direction)
-Alternative minimap mode ( Alt to see enemy players name, nothing changes when pressing/holding Alt)
-Default XVM hitlog
-Damage log from XVM team
-Efficiency counter on top of screen
-Advanced info on carousel
-Team win chance
-Splash sphere for SPG
-Flight time

-Team hp
-Repair timer

Only few mods which i selected are working, i am using same mods for about 6 months, everytime i installed new version everything was working perfectly, but with this i am having these issues.
I tried to reinstall mod many time, tried to use Stable and Development build, every installation i choose to delete caches, python and xvm logs and all previous mods.
Is anybody else having this issue with non-working mods or is it something wrong in my game? 
Thanks for any advice, btw really appreciate your work with this modpack.:thumbsup:

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Please go to the link in my signature below.  There you will find some important and helpful information on how to possibly solve a local issue with your computer.  From what you wrote, it sounds like something on your computer might be blocking something in the install process.


Once you try the things suggested in the link below, if you are still having the problem, then you will need to come back here and attach your logs.  The instructions on how to collect your logs are included in the link.  I am sure that someone will be able to help you get everything sorted out, but only with those logs.  They are the key.

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13 hours ago, Darth_Clicker said:

Přejít na níže uvedený odkaz v mém podpisu. Zde najdete důležité informace a informace o tom, jak máte místní problém s počítačem. Z toho, co jste mohli, to zní, jako u někoho v počítači můžete blokovat něco v procesu instalace.


Vyz vyz věci věci věci vyz věci věci níže níže níže níže vyz níže níže níže,,,,,, Pokyny pro zaznamenávání protokolů jsou dostupné v žádosti. Jsem si jistý, že jsem někdo, kdo stojí za nic, ale jen s ostatními protokoly. Jsou klíčem.


I have a similar problem to that Jiskra :(

During the first installation I had to set up the mod again

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@Aslain I don't understand then...i even tried to uinstall game, cleaned all files, then installed game again, installed with same mods and still having this issue...any advice what should i try next? Admin rights are okay, antivir doesn't show anything bad.

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