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kick while running in aslain mods

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i have the same problem. i can play without mods. BUT i have the problem only with my mainaccount. the other account i can play with mods. 🥴


I have the same, with the modpack I get disconnected from the server. If I log on to another account and start with Aslain there is no kick.

We have already uninstalled clean, deleted apps folder, used WOT repair function.
The mods are manageable and a UI scale does not exist.


Mam to samo, z modpackiem jestem rozłączone z serwerem. Jeśli zaloguję się na inne konto i zaczynam z Aslainem, nie ma żadnego kicka.
Mamy już zdeinstalowane clean,
skasował folder z aplikacjami,
używali funkcji naprawczej WOT.
Mody są zarządzalne i nie ma skali UI.

Proszę nam pomóc 🙂 i pozostać zdrowym

  • Moderator

it is always the best to have the latest installer, if you have issues with the latest, please report and attach the logs, else it will be difficult to get all bugs fixed

in the upcoming versions.

if you for some reason still need a older one you can find them on https://wgmods.net/46/

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