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Maggz *NEW* BattleTimer.swf Clock/Angle-indicator/Exp Dmg MOD 9.2 ready!

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Ok guys I finally have a close to finalized version of my clock mod. this is the first public release version and will be subject to some changes in later releases.

Here is a couple images ot it during test phase and in use. First image is a cropped image showing the indicator for expected dmg based on WN8 values. There is a config file which you can change transparency, completely disable it, along with disabling time, date, battle timer. You can also adjust position of the angle indicator (shown in image 2 above ammo panel) You can also show or hide gun constraints for various types of tanks VIA the config.

This project has been both a compilation of a couple peoples ideas, and ty for Cavman for helping supply the expected dmg values, and Storm for some adjusted armor values. The angle indicator is the same as what Melty, had in the Gunsight modification they put out. I took this several steps farther and also removed the non functional minimap controls so there is no more flickering minimap upon hitting the hotkey. I recolored and readjusted things a bit as I saw fit to help give this all an upgrade, both internal coding and look.

I have 2 Versions:

Version 1 BattleTimer Only:

Version 2 BattleTimer and Ping/FPS mod included:

Here is a guide to know what you are seeing on screen: alil ugly but oh well

(Copied from http://roughnecksxvmmods.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/977-maggz-new-battletimerswf-clockangle-indicatorexp-dmg-mod-92-ready/ because not everyone can see it.)

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The WN8 is based on damage and kills. The Green damage is for green wn8 that round, same for blue and purple. The yellow circle has the number of kills you need.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I kinda like it but yea, it's all up to taste anyway.


If it's easy to implement and to get a working version, I'd be all for it (even if only to have more than 1 option for a clock mod).

The 9.1 version (least I'm guessing it is, hence the "91" in the name) from OP is working on replays anyway, haven't played yet though.

And for 9.2 versions I only found the russian sites where you have to register (which I won't, since I can't read sh1t there).

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