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need some help/ questions

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first i would like to say sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, im a noob at WoT and this modding stuff.


second i would like to thank you Aslain for your mod installer as it makes everything user friendly when installing.


1st,  is that im using gambiter damage panel mainly for the reskin on the vehicle condition panel, when ever i get hit something pops up on the screen say HE or showing gold ammo and if it hit me or bounced how would i get rid of that? i followed what you said on the curse comment page saying damage panel but that only turns of the recieved damage to me. i play on the NA server and dont want to risk anything so i would like to disable the notifaction of bounce's/hits here is a screenshot of what i mean.



 2nd, is the vehicle tier number appears ontop of the name like this image any way to remove that?



last, is there anyway i can change the minimap to have the vehicle icons like this image here from jimbos xvm config (image credit belongs to Jimbo) i love the color selection of Blue vs Orange in the installer so would like to keep that part. 



again im so sorry if this is the wrong place to post this


1. Not sure on this, sorry Draco.

2. Settings > General > Show Vehicle Tier (top right hand corner). Uncheck that and they won't double up.

3. My vehicle contours look just like the ones in that picture, and all I'm using is Aslain's Modpack / XVM.

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1. You can edit the file DamagePanel.xml (located in WoT > res_mods > 0.9.2 > gui > scaleform) and set 

<configLastShot visible = "true">

to false.




3. Change the mini-map settings to show vehicle names. Or, you could manually install JiMbO's mini-map configuration into your Game Client to over-ride the version that Aslain's mod pack installed.

  • Administrator
last, is there anyway i can change the minimap to have the vehicle icons like this image here from jimbos xvm config (image credit belongs to Jimbo) i love the color selection of Blue vs Orange in the installer so would like to keep that part.   


So basicaly you wan to see J1mbo colors on minimap but in blue vs organge style? 


yea i like how the vehicle names are black with the outer glow but instead of normal red vs green i would like it to be like your blue vs orange option.


also thanks for the help i now have the tier number off of the team panel and the ammo that hit me off :)


Edit: this is how my minimap names look like



i would like to change the text color to like this but with a orange glow instead of green, and also do the same for my team color with black text and blue out glow



Edit#2: i finally figured it out so the thread can be closed or deleted :)


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