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v5.4.2.00 (12-04-2016):

- initial version for WoWs

- updated Yet another zoom-out mod (by IKU19)

- updated Zeiss cameras

- updated contour icons: Hakabase, Panzerleiter

- removed Smoke Boundaries (requires update)

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  • Administrator
v5.4.2.01 (13-04-2016):

- updated Training Room Enabler

- updated Zeiss cameras

- updated Aircrafts with ship names (by Arnak_76RUS)

- updated contour icons: Birt, Atmaxx

- added Smoke screen boundaries (by Tarki_Tau) [DLC] [test version] [now compatible with the Zeiss cameras]

- added Session Stats

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  • Administrator
v5.4.3.00 (21-04-2016):

- initial version for WoWs 

- updated Zeiss cameras (by Mebius_LW)

- updated Yet another zoom-out mod (by IKU19)

- removed Smoke Boundaries (requires update)

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  • Administrator
v5.4.3.02 (22-04-2016):

- updated Aircrafts with ship names (by Arnak_76RUS)

- updated contour icons: Birt, Autospy, Aslain, Hakabase, Atmaxx

- updated semi-transparent fading minimap by fugetsu, by pturbo

- added No Manga (by Roktaal)

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v5.4.3.03 (26-04-2016):

- added skins: Tirpitz corrected (by YourAgony), Tirpitz Blood Queen (by Zufallsnoob)

- reworked Tirpitz skins section (select your mods again there)

- reworked AutoSpy & Atmaxx contour icons section (select your mods again there)

- todo: AutoSpy icons on the battle loading screen

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v5.5.0.00 (28-04-2016):

- initial version for WoWs 

- updated Unique camo for all ships (by Mebius_LW)

- updated Yet another zoom-out mod (by IKU19)

- updated Disable battle chat (rework by Aslain)

- removed many broken mods

    - greyed out mods are disabled for the similar reason like above

    - WG added few crosshair mods to the game, find them in the game settings

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v5.5.0.02 (29-04-2016):

- updated contour icons by hakabase, Panzerleiter

- updated all sound mods

- updated semi-transparent fading minimap by autospy

- updated Over Target Markers by BADoBEST

- added Fog Remover by MajorRenegade

- added Clear Vision (by MajorRenegade)

- added MLP Flags (by MajorRenegade)

- added Japan Navy flags (by MajorRenegade)

- added Japan & German Navy flags (by MajorRenegade)

- added Commander Crew appearance mods

- added ports: Stormy New York Port (by MajorRenegade), Storm On The Ocean (by GoldPile)

- disabled KanColle Ship Previews mod ("Free-style art") [requires upd]

- disabled Damage counter + in-battle clock (alt header by W03L0BED)

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v5.5.0.03 (30-04-2016):

- updated Historical Flags (by Adiya)

- updated Extended Tech Tree (adds hidden/unavailable ships to tech tree)

- updated Damage counter + in-battle clock (alt header by W03L0BED)

- added Combat interface "Black Citadel" (by Mebius_LW)

- added Red-Yellow sense (by BlueManCa)

- added contour icons by AutoSpy

- added hud_lib mods by MajorRenegade

- added Camera "Zeiss" (advanced camera + advanced zoom) (by Mebius_LW)

- added Training Room enabler (by swompthink)

- added Camo Remover (by Aslain + pold77)

- added Nagasaki port (by GoldPile)

- added No Shell Contrails (by MREBoy)

- added No Manga (by Roktaal, Mebius_LW) [DLC]

- added crosshairs by Mebius_LW

- added Colorblind interface (by Webium)

- added Custom damage indicator & torpedo markers (by Aslain & pold77)

- removed no fog from all ports (has no use and conflicting with port mods)

- removed Minimap with ship name and last known position (by Kvalme) [mod discontinued]

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  • Administrator
v5.5.0.04 (01-05-2016):

- fixed installing AutoSpy mini icons

- replaced both stormy mods with Stormy ports mod

- updated semi-transparent minimap by fugetsu

- updated Training Room enabler

- added Colored tracers by Anthropologe

- added crosshairs: Nappelcommander, Hootorez, MajorRenegade

- added Blue torpedoes in water by Anthropologe

- added Display damage done in battle results screen

- added Turn all crosshairs into scalable ones

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v5.5.0.05 (04-05-2016):
- added semi-transparent minimap by POSEJDON_1
- added Running Lights
- added More visible torpedoes in water (by pold77)
- added Session Stats [not compatible with Extended Tech-tree!] [RU version, since nobody is translating it]
- replaced anti-mirror with files from AutoSpy [to fix player panels]
- updated contour icons by Aslain, MajorRenegade, DeceasedDaisy, Hakabase
- disabled outdated contour icons
- moved Training Room and Damage on the battle results window to special category, since they are not compatible with eachother - you have to re-select that mods again

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v5.5.0.06 (06-05-2016):
- updated contour icons by AutoSpy [also added HP bars]
- added contour icons by Atmaxx [with minimalistic hp panel]
- added Player's Panel with HP bars by BADoBEST & Atmaxx
- added Semi-transparent Minimap by COPCK_BCB

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v5.5.0.08 (07-05-2016):
- added KanColle Ship Previews mod [DLC]
- added contour icons KanColle ("Free-style art") by sudoku135
- moved Display damage done in battle results screen to DLC [fix to not working mod at certain combinations]

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v5.5.0.09 (08-05-2016):
- added Interface Kancolle Enchant Rebirth by Xandier59 [DLC]
- added MLP User Interface Mod by MajorRenegade [DLC]
- added Interface Eugen Enchant by Xandier59 [DLC]
- added Krab crosshairs (rework by Aslain)
- added Arpeggio Torp Effects Everywhere (by GoldPile)
- added Arpeggio of Blue Steel UI Theme Pack [DLC] (by Hakabase)
- added Torpedo Warning Voice (by MajorRenegade)
- added OTM: small HP bars by 0BlackSkull0
- added contour icons: ThatsNumberWang, AutoSpy
- updated contour icons: Aslains [added HP bars]

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v5.5.0.10 (09-05-2016):
- updated crosshairs: Rainbow and Hootorez by MajorRenegade
- updated contour icons by hakabase
- added Japanese Voice Pack (by Flamefang)
- added crosshair: Project Dolphin by XoX_Bowser_XoX (rework by Aslain)
- added Always On Weather (by GoldPile)
- added ability to install Dmg on battle results + Training Room + Session Stats all together

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v5.5.0.11 (10-05-2016):
- added Hide Fire Screen 
- added port: Toy Port (Yokosuka) [DLC]
- added port: The Night Ocean (Yokosuka) [DLC]
- added port: The Night Ocean (Ocean) [DLC]
- added port: Hawaii Mystic Nights (Yokosuka) [DLC]
- added Enable big waves (by Aslain)
- added Interface Akatsuki Enchant by Xandier59 [DLC]
- updated RWBY Skin Collection (6 USN ship skins) by Xandier59
- updated Unique camo for all ships (by Mebius_LW)
- updated No Fog
- updated Always On Weather 
- removed crosshair Project Dolphin [poor implementation]

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  • Administrator

v5.5.0.12 (11-05-2016):
- added crosshairs by Bowser (Green Lemon, Dolphin) [rework by MajorRenegade]
- added No Enemy Detected Voice Mod (by MajorRenegade)
- updated crosshair Krab [rework by MajorRenegade]
- updated OTM by BADoBEST [added 4 options]
- updated contour icons Hakabase, Aslains [added new options]
- updated Camo Remover

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v5.5.1.01 (13-05-2016):
- updated contour icons: Panzerleiter, Aslain, AutoSpy, Birt, Atmaxx
- updated Colored tracers by Anthropologe
- updated Extended Tech Tree (adds hidden/unavailable ships to tech tree)
- addec crosshair: Tic-Tac Eye of Sauron [rework by MajorRenegade]
- removed No Manga (by Mebius_LW) [few ships still have camo, bugs, needs update]
- removed all sound mods by vito74m
- fixed installing Arpeggio of Blue Steel UI Theme Pack [DLC]

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v5.5.1.03 (16-05-2016):
- removed bugged mod: kancolle Voice pack (by rph & saico)
- fixed installing Swordfish Minimalistic icons with HP bar
- attention: Extended Tech-tree might be incompatible with some mods, you will see this when you see grey icons on tech trees.

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  • Administrator

v5.5.2.01 (20-05-2016):
- updated Training Room + Session Stats + Dmg on results screen mod
- removed outdated mods from section 1
- moved Extended-Tech tree to section 1

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