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v5.6.0.00 (26-05-2016):
- initial release for WoWs
- removed not working mods, I will bring them back when they start to work again
- if you cannot find your favorite mod, don't ask to re-add it, read the line above
- this is initial version so might be buggy, please report all issues

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v5.6.0.01 (30-05-2016):
- updated Historical Flags (by Adiya)
- updated semi-transparent fading minimap by fugetsu
- updated Yet another zoom-out mod (by Pope_Shizzle)
- updated No Fog
- updated Big Waves
- updated contour icons: DeceasedDaisy, AutoSpy
- updated minimap by COPCK_BCB
- updated Player's Panel by BADoBEST, by Atmaxx
- added Training Room + Session Stats [DE] [also removed standalone Training Room]
- added Minimap with ship names by atmaxx, and option with damagelog
- removed hp bars option from: Aslain, Hakabase, Atmaxx (requires update)

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v5.6.0.02 (31-05-2016):
- added standalone Training Room [this one is compatible with the new minimap mod with ship names]
- updated contour icons: Atmaxx, MajorRenegade, Aslain (rework), Panzerleiter
- updated Japanese Voice Pack (by Flamefang)
- disabled outdated contour icons
- fixed installing Mebius crosshairs

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v5.6.0.03 (01-06-2016):
- reworked the section "3" with damage logs and ship names on the minimap [better compatibility]
- reworked the Packages section
- updated contour icons: ThatsNumberWang
- updated webiums color blind [except for players panel]
- added Countryball commanders by Iroks
- added pravda team interface mods
- reduced size of Japanese Voice Pack to 59MB

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v5.6.1.03 (03-06-2016):
- fixed zeiss zooms
- added Smoke boundaries mod [this is in conflict with few mods, if you cannot load the game, remove it]
- added Turquise, Green & Yellow torpedoes in water by Pturbo
- added stand alone Training Room enabler
- added Player's Panel with HP bars + damage logs + stats (by monstrofil)
- removed Better ship icons on compact carousel (by 0BlackSkull0) [need update]

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v5.6.1.04 (07-06-2016):
- added compatibility between Yet Another Zoom and Smoke Boundaries [thanks to Kyuusei NA]
- added No Manga by JapLance
- added 'The Sullivans' Login Video by DarthDoge
- added The Avengers commanders by GamersPlatoon.com
- added Torpedobeat sounds by Iroks
- updated video login Arpeggio of BlueSteel
- minor internal fixes

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v5.7.0.00 (23-06-2016):
- initial version for WoWs
- temporary removed incompatible mods
- notice that Smoke Range mod is not compatible with zoom mods for now (need special update), don't install them together, otherwise you will get corrupted graphics (upside down etc.)

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v5.7.0.01 (23-06-2016):
- fixed installing Extended Tech-tree and better ships on ship carousel - these two won't work together for now
- updated small HP bars by 0BlackSkull0
- updated contour icons: DeceasedDaisy
- updated semi-transparent minimap by Autospy
- since now Ziess zoom is compatible with Smoke Boundaries mod
- WG banned me for 7 days, accusing me for using bots, clickers and what not, that is totaly a lie, I never used such software, never ever - anyway because of this, next modpack versions will be postponed. WG made a stupid move to ban a modder in a day of game update. This is so stupid decision, especialy that I barely played WoWs in this month. 
- there are still two issues I couldn't check because of the above ban: 1. some maps has weird squares (artifacts) on the screen. 2 - corrupted battle ending screen with some missing/missplaced elements. Try to play without contour icons that hasn't been updated today, and don't use fog remover/big waves/storm on all maps.

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v5.7.0.02 (24-06-2016):
- added Aircrafts with ship names
- added Training Room
- added compatibility for Extended Tech-tree and better ships on ship carousel 
- added Minimap with ship names by W03L0BED
- updated contour icons: Hakabase
- updated Yet Another Zoom (don't use with Smoke boundaries)
- updated Japanese Voice Pack (by Flamefang)
- updated Combat interface "Black Citadel"
- updated Running Lights (changed colors, check description)
- updated No Manga (by JapLance)
- removed more outdated mods (damage meters etc.)
- some of the contour icons still requires update, don't use them if your result screen is broken

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v5.7.0.03 (25-06-2016):
- added compatibility Yet Another Zoom + Smoke Boundaries
- updated contour icons: MajorRenegade, Aslain, Atmaxx
- updated Fog Remover
- updated Storm on all maps
- removed Big Waves (requires update)
- removed contour icons: AutoSpy (requires serious update and new method of implementation due to mod changes)
- small internal fixes

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v5.7.0.04 (26-06-2016):
- updated semi-transparent minimap by fugetsu
- updated Colored Borders Of Maps
- removed outdated Toy Port
- fixed view in ports when using Fog Remover
- known issue with Yet Another Zoom out mod, broked view when playing CV's

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v5.7.0.05 (28-06-2016):
- added contour icons: KanColle ("Free-style art") by sudoku135, Autospy
- added Player's Panel with HP bars + damage logs + stats (by Aslain)
- updated KanColle Ship Previews mod [DLC]
- updated hud_lib.swf mods: Trap Sense, Pinkie Sense, Six sense, custom damage indicator & torpedo markers (while removed the rest that is incompatible)

v5.7.0.05 (28-06-2016):
- dodano ikonki konturów: AutoSpy, Kancolle (anime) by sudoku135
- dodano Panel graczy z paskami życia + logi trafień + staty (od Aslain)
- akt. KanColle Ship Previews mod ("Free-style art") by sudoku135
- akt. modów hud_lib.swf: Markery uszkodzeń i torped oraz ostrzeżenie o wykryciu , Trap Sense, Pinkie Sense

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v5.7.0.07 (05-07-2016):
- updated Player's Panel with HP bars + damage logs + stats by monstrofil, and by Aslain
- updated Six sense, custom damage indicator & torpedo markers 
- updated Polish DD Błyskawica skin 1940 (by secession)
- updated contour icons: Hakabase, Aslain
- added Player's Panel with HP bars + damage logs (by hakabase)
- added kancolle Voice pack
- removed Yet Another Zoom Out mod (bugged when playing as CV) use Zeiss
- player panels with stats still work wierd (weird as not showing stats, consider them all as beta versions)

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v5.8.0.00 (06-07-2016):
- initial version for WoWs
- updated Yet another zoom-out mod (by DNARK) [bugged when playing as CV]
- updated Training Room
- attention this is a very initial version, most of the mods are from, and may fail, so use at your own risk
- please report me names of bugged mods/combos, that will speed up the process of updating
- next modpack tomorrow (on thursday) when EU/RU gets WG update

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v5.8.0.01 (07-07-2016):
- updated contour icons: Aslain, Panzerleiter, MajorRenegade, AutoSpy
- updated Yet another zoom-out mod 
- added Alpha-Beta flags (by Theurge)
- added port: Lights of New York (by GoldPile)
- removed few outdated mods

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v5.8.0.02 (07-07-2016):
- updated Unique camo for all ships (by Mebius_LW)
- updated commander crew MLP by MajorRenegade
- updated flag mod MLP by MajorRenegade
- updated No enemy Detected Voice mod by MajorRenegade
- updated consumables & Torpedo Warning by MajorRenegade
- updated no fog by MajorRenegade
- updated Alpha-Beta flags 2K (by Theurge)
- updated minimap by POSEJDON_1
- added japan and german flags by MajorRenegade
- added Torpedo Warning voices by MajorRenegade
- added More visible torpedoes in water by pold77
- added Arpeggio of Blue Steel UI Theme
- added contour icons: Hakabase, AutoSpy
- added Extended Tech Tree
- added Combat interface "Black Citadel"
- added hud_lib mods: Six sense, custom damage indicator & torpedo markers, Black Citadel hud
- added Red-Yellow sense (by BlueManCa)
- added Old Ribbons by MajorRenegade
- updated Player's Panel with HP bars BADoBEST
- missing player's panels after installing contour icons? Don't install any hud_lib mod

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v5.8.0.03 (09-07-2016):
- removed outdated mods
- updated semi-transparent minimap mods
- added Smoke boundaries [use with care beta version + installing overwrites original game client file! + don't use with Zeiss for now]
- added Blue torpedoes in water by Anthropologe
- added Aircrafts with ship names
- added port: Foggy Yokosuka
- added Training Room + Session Stats + loading window
- added Old Ribbons from CT by Tajfun403
- added transparency option to the minimap with ship names mod
- added crosshair Scifi
- added the Arpeggio tracers
- added torpedo warning sounds

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v5.8.0.04 (10-07-2016):
- added contour icons: Atmaxx (few new icons might be missing since it's old version), Aslain regular (new version works with hud_lib)
- updated KanColle Rank icons
- updated Move compass elements
- fixed installing the minimap with ship names
- remainder: all hp bars mods for Player's Panel conflicting with all hud_lib  - don't install them together

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v5.8.0.05 (11-07-2016):
- added crew voices: My Little Pony Voice Mod (see the new mod preview picture on how to activate it!)
- added crew voices: Haruna (Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio) sound pack by sudoku135
- added Chinese Server flag mod
- added Colored tracers (by atmaxx)
- added port: Lights of New York (by GoldPile)
- added Player's Panel with HP bars simple and extended (by atmaxx)
- reworked Loading Screen section
- updated Tirpitz corrected (by BadWhosBad)
- updated Colored tracers by 0BlackSkull0
- updated small HP bars by 0BlackSkull0
- updated Better icons on shipcarousel by 0BlackSkull0
- fixed Move compass elements (by Aslain) [corrected battle start counter position]

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v5.8.1.00 (12-07-2016) [don't install if your server was not updated to !!!]
- initial/test version for WoWs [might be buggy, unstable etc.].
- added crew voices: Star Wars (by MajorRenegade) [check preview picture on how to set it up]
- added crew voices: kancolle Voice pack by hakabase
- fixed path in crew voices MLP 

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v5.8.1.01 (13-07-2016):
- added Player's Panel with HP bars (by monstrofil)
- added port: Chinese Dragon (Yokosuka) [DLC] (by DarthDoge)
- removed few outdated mods
- missing Player's Panel? Don't install hud_lib and full packages mods or pick different player's panel without hp bar

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v5.8.1.02 (13-07-2016):
- updated contour icons: DeceasedDaisy
- added Arpeggio Complete Captain Voice Collection (by GoldPile)
- added Zeiss cameras (by Mebius_LW)
- added Yet another zoom-out mod

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