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automatic camouflages remover

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Good morning. I would like to see if it is possible to bring back or add an automatic camouflage remover. Prior to the economic bonuses being removed from the camouflages you could click a button that would essentially remove the camouflage from your ship after the battle if you didn't want to keep it on the ship so long as you had enough camouflages to leave one mounted on the ship. If there is something like this built into another mod please let me know so I can add it to my mods. Thank you for all you modders do.  @Capt_Oveur


well in previous updates b4 the the economic bonuses were removed from the camouflages there was a button at the bottom of the camo section that you could turn on or off to keep a camo applied or after the battle was over it would demount the camo automatically if the slider was turned off. I don't want to have to keep mounting and demounting camos after each battle. 


That button would be pointless now because camos don't actually get mounted up until you take your ship to battle. There is an auto-purchase on/off button already. On top of that camos don't do anything anymore and they cost only credits.


yes I know that, but  I like a lot of players in WOWs have a lot of camos that you can't sell so I am using them up to get rid of them and I liked the slide button that used to be in the game b4 the camouflage rework catastrophe.  It was just a though because I liked the feature. 

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