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Yasen Krasen Session stats not working on 4.4.0

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Hello, well, Session stats is not working, it doesn't count anything after the battles, just " 0 0 0 0 0 ".

Best Regards.

I confirm that.


Yep, confirming that I downloaded YK 9.8.1 and unzipped it to overwrite existing files. Now works, doesn't seem to break anything else.


Aslain may need to look at file revisions, see what versions are best. When you can please Aslain, we have a 'fix' so there may be more important items.


im no computer guy , but it sounds like if its not installed by aslain and activated along with the rest, it acts like a virus and currupts the file so it stops working after a bit. maybe aslain will find the fix after a bit of looking. that session stats thing sure was handy to look at.    THANKS ASLAIN FOR YOUR HARD WORK ON THIS STUFF! Maybe not many say it but all us little guys really appreciate it.



i replace file "stat.pyc" from aslain for file in YK pack, and now work.


first i replace all, but change my in game language to english.


Thanks Aslain.  I used the v1 files from the World of Tanks forum YK page and it works so far. 


_Jeso_ who is the person maintaining this mod has stated that this will be his last version as he is giving it up after 2 years.  Maybe someone here could take it up and maintain it for the future. 


Here is his message from the WG forums:


"Mod updated for WoT 0.9.8 Final.


This will probably be my last update as I lost interest in WoT. I've been doing updates for this mod over 2 years now and I feel it's time to take a step back. I would like to thank all users for all the support and ideas during the years, thank you, it was you that kept me going. If somebody would like to continue updating this mod, you're more than welcome. The source code and my working environment can be downloaded in first post. Thanks again, maybe we'll see each other in an other game.


Yours sincerely,


  • Administrator

maybe th elack of consideration of wargaming?


yeah like suddenly banning everyone for random mods they are using in ELS...


So many modders left WoT recently. What's going on?


Entirely possible that its not just modders that arent playing anymore. The general toxic community and abuse players get in-game is pretty horrible. I'm not sure i'd be interested in modding for a community that largely doesnt deserve it :/


While there is money to be made selling high tier accounts the botting isnt going to stop. WG need to get their act together and make an effort to stop the bots instead of relying on the community reporting it.


They are not always bots.  Yesterday I was in a tier IX battle and there was a tier IX tank, cant remember what it was, but the player had an 86 WN8 with several thousand battles.  I thought it was a bot and requested that he be reported as a bot only to have the player call me an idiot in chat for calling him a bot....lol.   I suggested that he find a good bot to improve his stats....of course, he did not like that either.


They are not always bots.  Yesterday I was in a tier IX battle and there was a tier IX tank, cant remember what it was, but the player had an 86 WN8 with several thousand battles.  I thought it was a bot and requested that he be reported as a bot only to have the player call me an idiot in chat for calling him a bot....lol.   I suggested that he find a good bot to improve his stats....of course, he did not like that either.


Probably bought the account. There are some pretty terrible legit players out there, but it would be almost impossible to legitimately achieve such a low WN8 over that many battles. 

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