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HP Bar Damage Color


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Hiho Aslain  ^_^
Since there's no template on how you want to have a request be written ...
I would like to have an option that changes the damage color of the HP bar. 
By that I mean the change of color when a tank is hit and it shows the difference between the HP before the hit and after for a short time.
The values therefor can be found in the 'colors.xc' of course.
Right now I'm always changing the required values by myself to make the color all white regardless of who is hitting any tank.
Like this:

  "def": {
    "al": "0xFFFFFF",
    "sq": "0xFFFFFF",
    "tk": "0xFFFFFF",
    "en": "0xFFFFFF",
    "pl": "0xFFFFFF",


    "damage": {
	  "ally_ally_hit":              ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_ally_kill":             ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_ally_blowup":           ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_squadman_hit":          ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_squadman_kill":         ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_squadman_blowup":       ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_enemy_hit":             ${"def.en"},
      "ally_enemy_kill":            ${"def.en"},
      "ally_enemy_blowup":          ${"def.en"},
      "ally_allytk_hit":            ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_allytk_kill":           ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_allytk_blowup":         ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_enemytk_hit":           ${"def.en"},
      "ally_enemytk_kill":          ${"def.en"},
      "ally_enemytk_blowup":        ${"def.en"},
      "squadman_ally_hit":          ${"def.tk"},
      "squadman_ally_kill":         ${"def.tk"},
      "squadman_ally_blowup":       ${"def.tk"},
      "squadman_squadman_hit":      ${"def.tk"},
      "squadman_squadman_kill":     ${"def.tk"},
      "squadman_squadman_blowup":   ${"def.tk"},
      "squadman_enemy_hit":         ${"def.en"},
      "squadman_enemy_kill":        ${"def.en"},
      "squadman_enemy_blowup":      ${"def.en"},
      "squadman_allytk_hit":        ${"def.tk"},
      "squadman_allytk_kill":       ${"def.tk"},
      "squadman_allytk_blowup":     ${"def.tk"},
      "squadman_enemytk_hit":       ${"def.en"},
      "squadman_enemytk_kill":      ${"def.en"},
      "squadman_enemytk_blowup":    ${"def.en"},
      "enemy_ally_hit":             ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_ally_kill":            ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_ally_blowup":          ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_squadman_hit":         ${"def.sq"},
      "enemy_squadman_kill":        ${"def.sq"},
      "enemy_squadman_blowup":      ${"def.sq"},
      "enemy_enemy_hit":            ${"def.en"},
      "enemy_enemy_kill":           ${"def.en"},
      "enemy_enemy_blowup":         ${"def.en"},
      "enemy_allytk_hit":           ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_allytk_kill":          ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_allytk_blowup":        ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_enemytk_hit":          ${"def.en"},
      "enemy_enemytk_kill":         ${"def.en"},
      "enemy_enemytk_blowup":       ${"def.en"},
      "unknown_ally_hit":           ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_ally_kill":          ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_ally_blowup":        ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_squadman_hit":       ${"def.sq"},
      "unknown_squadman_kill":      ${"def.sq"},
      "unknown_squadman_blowup":    ${"def.sq"},
      "unknown_enemy_hit":          ${"def.en"},
      "unknown_enemy_kill":         ${"def.en"},
      "unknown_enemy_blowup":       ${"def.en"},
      "unknown_allytk_hit":         ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_allytk_kill":        ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_allytk_blowup":      ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_enemytk_hit":        ${"def.en"},
      "unknown_enemytk_kill":       ${"def.en"},
      "unknown_enemytk_blowup":     ${"def.en"},
      "player_ally_hit":            ${"def.pl"},
      "player_ally_kill":           ${"def.pl"},
      "player_ally_blowup":         ${"def.pl"},
      "player_squadman_hit":        ${"def.pl"},
      "player_squadman_kill":       ${"def.pl"},
      "player_squadman_blowup":     ${"def.pl"},
      "player_enemy_hit":           ${"def.pl"},
      "player_enemy_kill":          ${"def.pl"},
      "player_enemy_blowup":        ${"def.pl"},
      "player_allytk_hit":          ${"def.pl"},
      "player_allytk_kill":         ${"def.pl"},
      "player_allytk_blowup":       ${"def.pl"},
      "player_enemytk_hit":         ${"def.pl"},
      "player_enemytk_kill":        ${"def.pl"},
      "player_enemytk_blowup":      ${"def.pl"}



  • Moderator

Alternatively, you can use the custom mods folder placed in the World of Tanks directory, to always have your custom file installed last in the process, overwriting the other one. :)

  • Upvote 1

Which I already did a few minutes (59?) after creating this post  :rolleyes:


Gues that's fine as long as my custom file is up to date.


Thx anyway for the response  :)

  • Upvote 1

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