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Mod issue

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  • Moderator

You'll need to just wait....


WoT update and WoWs update on the same days = Server is going to break, from the many many thousands that wants to download right away.


What for Some of us donate to him to keep up with the Jonesses . Well I guess we can stop sending in them in if he is going to take a break.

Well it just might be easier if he did Wot on a Thursday and WoWS on a Wednesday just a thought. If he is having an issue doing it all in one day.

  • Moderator

Ask WG to stop updating both games within a short timespan then... :)


And servers usually tend to have issues anyways.... with all the people trying to get WoT modpack instantly... everyone hammers the refresh button, spam clicks links, because "Oh no, they're slow, maybe it'll help if I open the link 100 times" :D

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