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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. po to sa mirrory / servery dodatkowe jakby szlo slabo z glownego :) jak za duzo ludzi zaciagnie z glownego to tam spowalnia, wtedy nalezy probowac inne dla lepszych predkosci :)
  2. v4.2.48 (11-04-2015): - improved javascript code execution - corrected variable hp bars size on medium and large players panels - corrected player name size in advanced BattleLoading and Stats Tab
  3. Ciezko powiedziec co konkretnie, ale winny jest komputer i cos na nim.
  4. Cos Ci blokuje polaczenie z serverem XVM pewnie, efektem bedzie brak statow, szansy na wygrana itp. Jakis program antywirusowy moze?
  5. Spoken to the guy [10:56:05] Tom: Hi BossBox, I was wondering could you remove bossbox.ru checking from the mod, or give option to disable it? bossbox.ru was reported as malicious page and some anti-vir software is giving warnings.... [11:13:05] BossBox: Сервер bossbox автор BossBox, вопросов нету. [13:35:20] BossBox: Ты в курсе что через Python можно компьютер выключить или установить любую программу, а ты тут какой то кипишь из-за сервера сайта подымаешь. [13:38:00 | Edited 13:38:08] Tom: Мне было просто интересно, если бы можно было отключить соединение с bossbox.ru, потому что, согласно сообщениям, содержащих вирусы или трояны [13:39:20 | Edited 13:39:34] BossBox: Какие вирусы, чего ты фигню пишешь, установи ты не тот скрипт для игры, тебя ни один антивирус не спасет, а ты тут из-за какого сервера тревогу подымаешь [13:39:28] Tom: Я знаю, что это место хорошо, но интернет объявлен опасным [13:39:53] BossBox: PMOD стоит? [13:40:10] BossBox: Удаляй смело, он сделает с твоим профилем все что угодно, Полный доступ. [13:41:12] Tom: Я не знаю, как подключить ни к чему PMODE, никто не вызвался, я просто хочу, чтобы помочь [13:42:27] BossBox: 195.*.90.* (edited by Aslain) [13:43:44] Tom: my ip [13:44:02] BossBox: Ну так чего ты мне тут про вирусы пишешь. [13:45:22] BossBox: Если не знаешь о чем пишешь, так лучше не устанавливай ничего. [13:46:08] Tom: Listen pal, it seems you don't understand anything I'm telling you... This is pointless to continue it like that. [13:47:06] BossBox: Self-education loans. Before writing unproven arguments. [13:47:13] BossBox: Самообразованием займитесь. Прежде чем писать недоказанные доводы. [13:48:05] Tom: I am IT guy, I'm educated, it's just you not understanding what I am trying to tell you [13:48:40] Tom: I am not telling you there are viruses, it's users of your mod and antivir software reporting your website as malicious [13:48:47] BossBox: I understand what you are asking, you have a bad education, since you are asking me questions. [13:49:29] Tom: Not you are not, otherwise you would not saying this. Oh well good luck with your mod then. CU [13:51:00 | Edited 13:51:22] BossBox: antivir software reporting your website as malicious screenshot * [13:51:56] Tom: Too bad I do not know russian, to explain you it better :( [13:52:34 | Edited 13:52:38] BossBox: Show me screenshot [13:52:50] BossBox: antivir software reporting your website as malicious [13:53:03] Tom: http://aslain.com/uploads/monthly_02_2015/post-5108-0-95506100-1424748535.jpg [13:54:50] BossBox: Удачи IT специалист. [13:56:06] BossBox: Значит удаляй его. [13:57:08] BossBox: Домен припаркован на http://www.radiushost.ru/ , я не знаю может данный провайдер у вас в блокировке [13:57:50] Tom: Yes that's possible, your hosting server might be reported and you are victim of it [14:00:58] BossBox: u from NA server? [14:01:18] Tom: I play on EU server [14:02:36] Tom: Very well, wish you good luck with mod, see you [14:02:49 | Edited 14:02:53] BossBox: Если принципиально соединение с сервером, просто заблокируйте его, модификация не пострадает So you see now, how hard is to communicate with him. From what I understand he suggested better IT education to me, hilarious.
  6. XVM config only 4.2.47_CT (11-04-2015): - added better outlines/shading on selected tank carousel cell - updated XVM to nightly 4110
  7. Investigated it today, and found out it's 1000% caused by Spotted Extended by Spoter
  8. I answered few posts above :) You never had to set it before because it was working like that (was running a script all the time) it was working all fine until recently, that rating script stopped to work properly and sometimes not changing ratings as it should, so I was forced to disable it from running all the time. Oh well. Default XVM is default XVM I do not touch it, except for changing 0 to 15 hitlog lines. Now you have to set it up or wait until seriych guy fixes his script
  9. It just cant stop working like that for no reason, I didn't touch or mod any DP recently. Must be coincidence. Edit: just installed Gambiter and all is there in it's place :)
  10. v4.2.47 (10-04-2015): - added Ashbane's contour icons VR.R and VR.HP - added Turret fix aka Chaos Gun by reven86 [synchronizes regular gun with a server crosshair] - the installer will no longer install paths.xml (the only mod that does now is KT Ambiente, use with care, because after removing this mod, the game won't run anymore without fixing paths.xml) - it should be safe to install this modpack version on Asia and RU clients without the WG minipatch
  11. Hard to tell without rest of logs. Maybe try to upload them to google drive or something and link here. Restart your pc maybe too, might fixt that opening log issue maybe.
  12. Ok now I see why is this happens. You all unchecked my XVM Players Panel section, that means the installer is copying default XVM files, and XWN8 is what default XVM is using. No matter what rating you select later. If you don't want it, simply select one of my panels.
  13. :) napisałbym wiecej, ale moze ktos spyta akurat ;)
  14. Please attach logs and screenshots, tells more that 1000 words..
  15. Must be that app blocking bossbox.ru. Try to remove it temporary (it's still safe website after all, just crazy reporters reported it for no reason)
  16. This should be fine: "extraFieldsLeft": [ { "x": 26, "y": 2, "valign": "center", "h": 21, "w": "{{hp-max:100}}", "bgColor": 0, "alpha": "{{alive?35|0}}" }, { "x": 26, "y": 2, "valign": "center", "h": 21, "w": "{{hp:100}}", "bgColor": ${"def.c1"}, "alpha": "{{alive?75|0}}" }, { "w": 3, "y": 2, "valign": "center", "h": 21, "bgColor": ${"def.c1"}, "alpha": "{{alive?35|0}}" }, {} ], "extraFieldsRight": [ { "x": 26, "y": 2, "valign": "center", "h": 21, "w": "{{hp-max:100}}", "bgColor": 0, "alpha": "{{alive?35|0}}" }, { "x": 26, "y": 2, "valign": "center", "h": 21, "w": "{{hp:100}}", "bgColor": ${"def.c2"}, "alpha": "{{alive?75|0}}" }, { "w": 3, "y": 2, "valign": "center", "h": 21, "bgColor": ${"def.c2"}, "alpha": "{{alive?35|0}}" }, { "x": 0, "y": 4, "align": "center", "valign": "top", "bindToIcon": "true", "format": "{{spotted}} ", "alpha": "{{alive?100|0}}", "shadow": {} }, {} ], "width": 56 Funny I always wanted to fix it, but always forgot about it :) Will apply it in next modpack release.
  17. Oczywiscie zapraszam, postaram sie odpowiedziec :)
  18. ASIA hasn't got micropatch yet, re-install all from older modpack.
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