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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Replaced with x1, remove ProSound_ready_to_fire_BELL_96.7z and let it be downloaded again.
  2. Ostatnio zmienilem font, wiec jak sa problemy nalezy pobrac na nowo. Okazalo sie ze poprzedni font zmodyfikowala jakas ofiara losu, a nastepnie nie zmienila nazwy fontu, przez co buguje sie on co chwile.... XVMSymbol_11.1.ttf
  3. Good, I've changed default rating in default xvm, it's better that way, than to explain to everyone everytime why is this happens :) I only hope there won't be someone else who will ask why he don't see correct WGR now or something :)
  4. Too bad, hard to fix something that is not broken on my pc. Maybe try to not install default hitlog.
  5. Try this installer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8mKroo1Zy-pb3lxcjlreTdvd0U/view?usp=sharing
  6. v4.2.53 (16-04-2015): - added new "bell" reload sound - changed rating of Default XVM from XWN8 to WN8 - updated clanMod to v0.9.6.9 (supporting new WG API now) - updated Colored chat messages YasenKrasen PL, EN (micropatch fix)
  7. You are installing something that is not compatible with XVM minimap section, uncheck it and you are good. Read descriptions next to mods, for example next to Locastans HD minimap. Installing Locastans HD minimap will disable XVM minimap section + SPG cross on minimap. Not compatible.
  8. Not a bug, it's disabled in 9.6 atm, wait for 9.7
  9. Turn off server crosshair in game options, and also uninstall it if you installed from the modpack. This mod has a conflict with these settings.
  10. Sorry, cannot help you with this. The mods you are installing are ok, you must have bad luck or damaged computer.
  11. This is after my small fix today: There is still this WN8 vs XWN8, looking into it. If you want to see WN8 on Players Panel, select any panel from the menu, otherwise you will get default XVM. Because so many people have this issue think I will simply change default XVM to WN8.
  12. I'm checking it, but posting screenshots is always good idea. Look at attached screenshots, this is how it looks like on my PC:
  13. Thats what default XVM is. If you want different, select anything in Players Panel section. This change is since few modpack releases.
  14. Tak, znam ten problem, poki co to nie jest proste zrobic jakies wyroznienia nowych modow, czy przeniesionych :/ Jak tylko cos wymysle to wprowadze.
  15. Przeniesiony nizej, juz nie jest w sekcji XVM. Poszukaj zaraz nad modami garazowymi.
  16. Yup, could not reproduce this. All is fine on my pc.... Must be something on your computer, like AV or Firewall blocking installation process. Alternatively try to uncheck all options at "Other XVM Settings" but it's not perfect, and will turn some displayed ratings to XW8...
  17. v4.2.52 (15-04-2015): - removed Kriegstreiber's Ambience sounds (too big and complicated mod, causing issues every WG minipatch - paths.xml...) - updated Realtime Achievement Announcer (RTAN) by Aim_drol - updated Hangar Manager 'HangMan' with few built-in garages
  18. Look at my sig. Also try to play with anti-vir software, it's usually blocking the installer.
  19. Sounds like local issue with your computer. Hard to tell.... can by anything, literaly. Maybe post your logs, but I doubt I can reproduce this.
  20. Played witht this mod, this marker is very hard to spot, I think I didn't see it at all, just some sound. Edit: ok now I know where to look at
  21. v4.2.51 (15-04-2015): - removed Transparent Clan Logos by OlliN (hanging in garage after todays micropatch)
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