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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. It's hard to do, thats why I recommend you to use this app: http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/226-27032015-loadinf-for-aslains-installer-v25-gui/ In future I want to add it, just need to learn how...
  2. Yup, 100% working. Try to edit that xml and insert older number, like .45 there. I just did and can see notification window:
  3. There is some mod causing this, usualy was RTAN and some mods by Spoter, try to remove them and see if it helps.
  4. What you have in notificationbox.xml ?
  5. Works for me, are you sure you have it installed?
  6. Take it easy... You have waited 20 mins and raging already? https://mega.co.nz/#!xpkxhaDY!D7slF3NET4nc3hb9smVk5w--5Am7VFn-_BZQchlE9_8
  7. Don't install latest installer, use v4.2.45. Wait until ASIA server gets new minipatch.
  8. Means ASIA server hasnt updated to new minipatch yet, dont use new installer until they will update your region. To fix use older installer.
  9. Modpack v4.2.46 (08-04-2015): - updated paths.xml after today's WG minipatch - updated Hangar Manager 'HangMan' with few built-in garages - applied Kriegstreiber's Ambience sounds fix for WG minipatch 08-04-2015 - note: this is critical update, without it your game may stop to work after April 12th XVM config only 4.2.46 (08-04-2015): - added better outlines/shading on selected tank carousel cell
  10. And how is this related to the topic?
  11. Maybe there is one more mod that stopped to work correctly after minipatch. Can you attach my logs, info in sig :) Does it happens every battle or just randomly?
  12. Please attach logs, info in my sig :) I need them for further investigation.
  13. Hi I reviewed mods you have installed. I do not play CW so I cannot check it for sure. To me looks like some mod is causing it to you, but maybe try to reinstall the modpack without following mods: Crew Exp Extended v3.07 by Spoter (use with care, the mod may cause hangar issues on some computers!) Vehicle Exp Extended v2.01 by Spoter (use with care, the mod may cause hangar issues on some computers!) if no help then remove these: SpotMessanger ("Spotted at..." shall be send to chat) Mav's Ultra Fog Remover Battle Assistant for SPG If still no help then you have to remove mods from the modpack section 1 by 1, and at some point you may enter the CW. If you discover this, let me know.
  14. Rozwiazanie prostą metoda niestety wychodzi paskudnie, o ile pare extra linijek bym przezyl, ale juz nie az tyle. Poki co szukam kogos do pomocy z tym, moze za szybko sie nie pojawi, ale pewnie w koncu sie uda.
  15. Bawilem sie tym dzisiaj, i efekt jest fatalny, musialbym dodac doslownie 74 nowe linie w opcjach instalatora - wygladalo by komicznie. Wysmiano by mnie gdybym tak to zrobil, to musi sie opierac na kodzie niestety. Robienie osobnego instalatora tylko dla celownikow, nie wiem czy jest sens, nie wiem co by to dalo, i tak ktos co to sciagnie pomysli sobie to samo, kiedy jak sciagnie to samo tylko ze w duzym modpacku.
  16. v4.2.45 (07-04-2015): - updated Gnomefather's Gun sounds v1.952 - fixed session stats back-up system - selecting WN8 rating shouldn't launch special rating change script now (not needed)
  17. Udalo mi sie dokopac do konfiga servera, admin pozwolil :) Widac ustawil sam na 250 i nawet napisal ze zrobil to celowo bo wszystko padalo jak wychodzil patch. Dlatego mysle ze mozna zrobic tak ze w dniach pacha, spowalniam go do 250, a w innych (+6 dni po pachu) wylaczam limit i bedzie szlo na max znowu. Aktualnie wylaczylem limit, powinno smigac.
  18. Dowiedzialem sie od devsow, ze wylaczyli WN8 expected dmg az wyjdzie 9.7. To jest powod ze nie wyswietla nic.
  19. Thank you for your report, I hopefully fixed it.
  20. This is config for Spotted Extended, I woul play with self_lamp or self_marker, who knows. spotted_extended.xml: <spotted_extended.xml> <setup> <module_spotted_extended> true </module_spotted_extended> <Debug> false </Debug> <Self_Lamp> true </Self_Lamp> <Self_Marker> true </Self_Marker> <Self_Marker_Minimap> true </Self_Marker_Minimap> <Self_spotted_announce> true </Self_spotted_announce> <Self_spotted_damage_announce> true </Self_spotted_damage_announce> <Squad_Marker> true </Squad_Marker> <spotted_damage_text> true </spotted_damage_text> <only_lt> false </only_lt> </setup> <spotted_damage_text_settings> <text> min:~{spotted_damage_theory}, max:~{spotted_damage_theory_max} spotted dmg </text> <text_x> 20.000000 </text_x> <text_y> 470.000000 </text_y> <font> hpmp_panel.font </font> <color> #00FFFF </color> </spotted_damage_text_settings> </spotted_extended.xml>
  21. Thank you. Think I fixed it for you, shall see in next release.
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