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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Zalacz logi, to co zalaczyles to program do ich tworzenia (archiwizacji). To samo. Takie mowienie ogolne nic nie wnosi.
  2. Admin serwera powiedzial ze postara sie o specjalne szybsze lacze do naszej czesci europy. Juz zmienil, powinna byc poprawa. Moze nie natychmiastowa ale sprawdzcie.
  3. v1.4.0.1 #01 (12-02-2019): - updated XVM 7.8.1 [8784] - updated sights script - updated PMOD v1.38.4 - updated Battle Observer 1.19.1 - updated crosshair: Damocles - updated the anti-mirror files - updated session stats YasenKrasen - updated Achievements In-Battle - updated InBattle WN8/EFF Calculator - updated Final Shot - updated Hangar Armor Inspector - updated Aiming timer - updated Battle Hits Viewer - added Custom Damage Indicator: #1 (updated by Hawg) - added Transparent Clan Logos by OldSkool - info: not all mods will work properly in the Frontline
  4. Noticed something similar yesterday, but not bad as on your picture. I fixed it by clicking on the hide icon, try to cycle it and it should get fixed. Meanwhile I will try to fix it another way, if there is a mistake made by me.
  5. Nie jest w porzadku dla nikogo, nie jest to tez zamierzone, wiec...
  6. Noticed you are using Limpid Stickers which was causing such problem previously. Remove it or go to appdata then LimpidStickers folder and delete everything inside. The restart the game.
  7. You are using old modpack, before you report any bug try to install latest modpack. It's also mandatory.
  8. v.8.0.2 #01 (12-02-2019): - added crosshair Nomogram (dynamic) - fixed problem with entering to battle with the Navigator
  9. Modpack is installing to res_mods and mods, and it cannot break your client original files at all. Perform client integrity check maybe.
  10. I think it's something with Alt Hud Navigator Smoke. Will keep you posted.
  11. I already added it to the modpack, but cannot release untill I find a bug in current version of modpack.
  12. v1.4.0.1 #00 (11-02-2019): - initial compatibility with WoT - updated XVM 7.8.1-dev [8778] - added Transparent Clan Logos (by Vernichtungswaffe) - fixed aim circle in crosshair J1mbo v3 - info: not all mods will work properly in the Front Line - info: THIS IS BETA, PROPER VERSION WILL BE RELEASED LATER!
  13. Yes this is normal, game was updated to and there is no modpack for this. Yet.
  14. The crosshair is completly reworked and independant to alt hud (navigator) now.
  15. not this, ok, attach logs, info in signature.
  16. Reproduced this issue, I will try to find out why is this happening.
  17. v.8.0.2 #00 (11-02-2019): - compatibility with WoWs - updated Carousel extended - info: nomogram will be added in the next update
  18. Mod has been updated today and shall be included in the next modpack.
  19. Yeah, it's not a bug, no need to report :) Wait for proper modpack.
  20. I am using safe version from different author, you cannot compare dates of two different mods, you posted link to mod from ekspoint, his mods are infected with adware and trojans. I will remove links.
  21. To me the nomogram scale is shown up but it's not scalable. So hard to tell. I would need to see all files. You mentioned you got it from some other site, to reproduce it all I need all files you used.
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