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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Yes I know, but he is has outdated icons, don't use them. Polish tree tanks are missing, and new gui elements....
  2. Icons werent updated to 1.1.0, I'm waiting for current maintainer of that icons for an update.
  3. Uzywasz starej wersji paczki, pobierz #08b.
  4. v1.1.0 #08 (04-09-2018): - updated XVM 7.7.2-dev [8603] (added stats and anti-mirror to TAB window) - updated Radio WG.FM - updated Extended blacklist - updated Pink Female Crew - added Easy Flight Time (for arty only) [non-xvm version] - added contour icons: Riskynet (by colt87)
  5. No errors in your logs at this time. Have you played a ranked battle?
  6. Hmm, try to remove Received Damage Announcer, there is some errors from this mod in your logs in your last logged battle.
  7. Tutaj jest troche inna metoda, taki trick można powiedzieć, dlatego aktywacja jest troche bardziej skomplikowana niż przy typowych modach odgłosów załogi.
  8. Podobno autor pracuje nad aktualizacją, jak zrobi to dodam.
  9. Czy ustawione jest w grze tak jak pisze w opisie moda?
  10. Stragne, played with your mods and no problem with arty sight. What region do you play btw. is it NA like you have in your account here?
  11. W logach nic dziwnego nie znalazlem, moze sprawdz bez moda Hangman on czasem potrafi wariować.
  12. Raczej to problem samej gry, w logach nie ma sładu po zawieszkach.
  13. There is chance that the OP have the game installed in various places, the modpack was installed to old location, but version.xml is from new one. Make sure you are installing to right place, don't let the installer guess it for you, because if you have more clients it will most likely point you to old one.
  14. Version.xml can be found in wot installation folder as for logs see my signature.
  15. Your errors in python begins with Marks of Excellece Extended, might be coincidence, but I would remove it for now and see if there is improvement.
  16. v.7.8.0 #08 (03-09-2018): - updated clan icons - updated mxstat - INFO: The Installer is supporting windows desktop scaling now!
  17. Yeah stay tuned One day.... it will return hehe. Anti-mirror files are for users who don't install XVM.
  18. v1.1.0 #07 (03-09-2018): - added UT Announcer (by BudyX69 & OldSkool) - added crew voices: Duke Nukem Voice v1 - added contour icons: Prudenter - added Duke Sound Deutsch crew voices - added Auxilium option: Tank carousel rows - updated XVM 7.7.2-dev [8599] (added yet another crash fix) - fixed Map-Rotation Log (F11 key in garage) [empty folder was missing] - removed Friends Marker - removed obsolete file from UTannouncer - INFO: The Installer is supporting windows desktop scaling now!
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