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WoWs Modpack update to 13.4.0 is in progress... ×


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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Basicaly you have to perform that 3 steps: Click first button and select the installer .exe Click on second button and select your _Aslains_Installer_Options.inf Click on third button to launch the installer with your setup. Don't use any auto-loading, everytime follow that 3 buttons.
  2. It doesn't matter which link you have used to download the modpack. Maybe try to manualy delete everything in res_mods, then launch the modpack again. It's something local.
  3. Maybe just you, I'm getting 1.2MB/s which is my max currently. There is also a chance that many people downloaded at the same time, and it was slowed down for some time.
  4. v6.5.0 #00 (17-05-2017): - initial version for WoWs - removed incompatible mods util they are updated [flag mods, Session Stats, text mods, UI packages, Detailed Damage Indicator v2]
  5. No need to report it. It's not a bug. It's normal thing that not all mods for will work on 0.6.5.
  6. They didn't say it's forbidden, however they said it's still being checked by them, and "suggesting to not add to my modpack" before they test that mod.
  7. I can look at it if you provide logs.
  8. Thanks. login.usm link is for which video btw?
  9. You didnt provide logs, so I cannot tell for sure. Do you use Melty crosshair? It's bugged with some other mods, and this is the effect. Try pick different arty crosshair. Which one have you installed anyway?
  10. I'm using default mod position, which is set by this mod author, config file res_mods\\gui\unbound\info_panel.xml You can try to compare (I recommend WinMerge app) with file you downloaded from somewhere else and check what is different and adjust it to your likings.
  11. Sorry. I spoked about this mod with WG, and cannot add it. I can add it only when it's confirmed to be safe. And confirmed by WG staff, not by support.
  12. Audio stopped to be played one day after some WG update, not sure if someone found a solution to this yet.
  13. v9.18.0 #28 (16-05-2017): - updated Research Watchdog - updated contour icons: contrabass - updated Multi Hit Log - updated crosshairs script vxCrosshairs v. [important upd.] - updated Sounds instead of crew voices - added custom spg crosshair: Harpoon, Mjölnir - changed reset hotkey key on Arty Log to F10
  14. Let me know when you finish your mod and I may add it to modpack
  15. Generalnie w moich panelach zaznacz sobie opcje nazwane "Od XVM Team" i bedzie to co bylo w dawnym panelu XVM ktory byl osobno.
  16. Wybierz moj panel i bedziesz mogl wybrac opcje paneli. Moj panel zawiera m.inn. to samo co panel od xvm ale jest konfigurowalny. Inaczej juz nie bedzie.
  17. v6.4.1 #04 (15-05-2017): - updated mxStat v0.6.28 - added port: Dry Dock Stormy
  18. I read in comments that this crosshair is bugged, I need to make more tests.
  19. Check this out: http://forum.worldofwarships.com/index.php?/topic/26121-how-to-create-your-own-video-login-guide/
  20. Played several battles using Zeiss x25 sniper, not a single ctd. Give me more details, what ship, what map, in what situation, and if you can reproduce it on replay.
  21. No, any change to this mod require to re-made this mod from a scratch. Unless you contact the author, but he is russian so it's super hard to get to him.
  22. It was not updated by original (previous) author of that mod, so he prolly used different samples, and/or used old samples but with different events. You cannot easily tell.
  23. v9.18.0 #27 (15-05-2017): - added Milkym4n skins: E 50, Jagdpanzer E 50 (Jagdpanther II zamiennik), Pz. IV Hydrostat - added PMOD Zoom-in: 2-4-8-10 - changed color on XVM garage clock to more visible [like before 9.18] - added separate option in crosshair section to select 16 different aim circles
  24. Rozne strony korzystaja z roznych wartosci oczekiwanych dla WN8, XVM uzywa je tez po swojemu. Czasami w gre wchodza tez aktualizacje statow, ktore sa rozne dla roznych stron. Generalnie nic na to nie poradzisz.
  25. Możliwe ze powodem jest ponizszy blad: JSONxLoaderException: File not found: res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain\minimap.xc XVM nie potrafi znalezc pliku i laduja sie domyslne ustawienia XVM dlatego masz wszysto inaczej niz wybrales. Pytanie dlaczego tego pliku brakuje, u mnie po instalacji tych samych modow co Ty mam wszystkie pliki i to co wybrano w paczce jest poprawnie wyswietlane. Moze jakis antywir/sandbox? Sprawdz po instalacji czy ten plik masz w katalogu z res_mods.
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