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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Have you checked crosshairs options maybe you have some custom selections there. Worth a try, ultimately try to reset WoT settings.
  2. Pamietaj ze instalator po pobraniu moda online umieszcza go w katalogu Aslains_DLC_cache, dzięki czemu nie musi go ponownie pobierac, nawet jesli go usuniesz. Nalezy tylko nie zaznaczac czyszczenia folderu DLC podczas instalacji, w innym wypadku zawsze bedzie pobierany.
  3. Glad you sorted it out, it was very weird issue indeed.
  4. v9.17.1 #31 (28-03-2017): - added crosshair: Warrior - added Gun Constraints: from Melty crosshair - added NEW MOD: Friendly arty aiming position - updated UT Announcer [bank loader script] - updated crosshair: Melty [Horizontal sniper indicator setting not required] - updated Colored chat messages "Chat + Kill-log" - updated Painted Rollers
  5. I don't see any reason for missing crosshair, everything is installed properly. Do you have a multiple WoT installations maybe? Another idea is antivir/sandbox, otherwise no clue. In logs everything looks good.
  6. v6.2.2 #04 (28-03-2017): - added Alpha-Beta flags - added Historical Flag Mod Extension
  7. You are from ASIA region? Don't install new modpack, you not suppose to. Install #28, other versions are not compatille with your region.
  8. Fajna stronka w sensie jaka? PKW? Znam ja od poczatkow jej istnietnia Znam wszystkie strony z modam. Co do pkw to radze uwazac, tam sie nie patyczkuja i wkladaja mody jak leci, czy to cheat czy nie cheat, i potem konczy sie banem.
  9. Rozumiem ze to pokazuje gdzie mierzy przyjacielska arta, a to zmienia sprawe rzeczy, myslalem ze pokazuje wroga.
  10. Better make friends with this RM, the old one will never be back.
  11. Cannot reproduce, installed same mods from modpack like you and I can see Damocles crosshair. I see you have something that is not from my modpack, a script file: mod_ow.pyc, it probably comes from Overwolf, maybe disable that application and and delete that file. Not sure if this can interfere with mods, but who knows...
  12. v9.17.1 #30 (27-03-2017): - updated Script Loader Pro v1.22 - updated TessuMod v0.6.13 - updated AutoAim Indication+ - re-added option to Reset the stats daily (at 6:00am) in Yasenkrasen - changed Region Changer installation [it's not waiting for installer to finish now] - removed Good Old Rock
  13. There is similar thing in modpack: But only for my config, I rather don't mod 3rd party configs.
  14. Masz jakies lokalne problemy w zwiazku z ustawieniami w windowsie badz zainstalowanymi aplikacjami. IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: './res_mods/' Oznacza to że nie ma dostępu do powyższego pliku, coś go przyblokowało.
  15. Musisz pisac do tworcow XVM. Ja nic na to nie mam wplywu niestety.
  16. Updated Tessu mod to v0.6.13. To install it - reinstall the modpack and check clean up DLC folder.
  17. Zobacz na moj podpis pisze jak zgłosić problem
  18. Sounds like same bug I fixed already few versions ago, it's returning maybe. edit: yet I cannot reproduce, using modpack #03
  19. I based on this list, but not limited to it: Battle, Hangar, and Battle results music matches sections above the rest is juggled around. Additionaly added few tracks from Classics, Vol. 2 and Vanquish albums: Evergreen New World Order Siege Future Guardian High C's Heaven & Earth Submariner Neverdark Aratta Magika The Colonel Ride to Victory
  20. Panel od XVM Team tak ma, użyj mojego wtedy nie będzie kolorowało. Możesz też ręcznie wyedytować amount, na wartość 1 (z 0) w plikach markers xc.
  21. Pewnie nie włączyłeś ich w opcjach gry.
  22. My anwer is same like before. Dont use new modpack if answer is no.
  23. Cannot reproduce loading very same mods, maybe ASIA hasn't received that micropatch yet?
  24. No need to. Restart windows maybe.
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