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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Rozmawialem z Milkymanem, napisal mi ze wszystko jest ok, ze ten czolg tak wyglada, to po prostu przerobka w HD, na podglądzie modpacka jest naniesiona jedna ze skórek z gry, więc wyglada troche inaczej.
  2. I marked you what to delete, at least on the pic you attached (I know you uninstalled the game, but maybe someone else can find it usefull)
  3. v6.2.1 #01 (16-03-2017): - added flags by MajorRenegade [except for MLP] - updated all contour icons by MajorRenegade
  4. There was a bug in old installer, it was already fixed same day (like 5 days ago?) Uninstall the modpack, get latest one and install again or manualy delete those folders (they are always empty).
  5. Corrected, this crap happens when I copy old message, edit it, then save, and forum scripts reverst to original link/msg for whatever reason, grrrr, happened few times already. So annoying bug.
  6. v9.17.1 #23 (15-03-2017): - updated contour icons: Webium - added Arty Log Mod - added 5 DE crew voice mods - changed behaviour of the scriptloader (no longer removes cameranode file)
  7. Da sie, od poczatku istnienia modpacka praktycznie. Po instalacji paczki modpack tworzy plik: _Aslains_Installer_Options.inf Zabezpiecz sobie go gdzies, w nim zapisane jest to co wybrales, aby odtworzyc mody z tego pliku sciagnij program:
  8. I will check deeply if when you provide logs. [edit: nevermind I don't need them anymore in this case] edit: Meanwhile I checked with this mod only, and looks like the names are togglable no matter what you select in the modpack, this is also no modpack bug, so the author of this mod must update the mod to reflect latest changes in the game. One of solution is to unbind ALT (alternative interface mode) in game controls, or change it to different key or ultimately don't use this mod at all, and use built in game ship names instead.
  9. Thanks, How about replays, can you play them normaly watching your gameplay from Błyskawica? Attach one if you have problems there too. btw the NA is now on 6.2.1, get new modpack and reinstall mods.
  10. Yeah I know about it Get new modpack.
  11. v6.2.1 #00 (15-03-2017): - initial version for WoWs - updated Custom Battle Loading Screen - updated Extended Tech Tree - updated Better ship icons on compact carousel - updated Session Stats - updated Detailed Damage Indicator - removed incompatible mods: all flag mods, Fleet Redux, Crooks Full Nation Skin
  12. Maybe check antivir/sandbox, it make no sense, you should see it like I do.
  13. Please provide logs too, info in my signature. Cannot reproduce it in replay, I don't own the ship so cannot check it further.
  14. WoWS EN translation for v0.6.2.0 #07 http://aslain.com/custom_messages/WoWs_en_translation_v6.2.0_07.ini
  15. WoWS EN translation for v0.6.2.0 #07 http://aslain.com/custom_messages/WoWs_en_translation_v6.2.0_07.ini WoT EN translation for v9.17.1 #22 http://aslain.com/custom_messages/WoT_en_translation_9.17.1_22.ini Cannot add it, it's in ANSI, I need UTF-8. Special characters are broken.
  16. Tez tak mam, poinformowalem autora i czekam na odpowiedz.
  17. Ok thanks for your info. I only add that nonthing in my modpack is illegal, I removed all mods that are not allowed long time ago, almost 5 months ago so if they banned you for things from my modpack then fight for your rights with them, because I made sure and contacted with WG personaly, and checked all my mods with them (plus I used officaly available WG posts on various forums), to prevent such situations like this one.
  18. You cannot chat where? In battle, in hangar? Tell more, what happens exactly. edit: well played on the same mods like yourself and I can chat everywhere I want.
  19. Well in this case I cannot provide support, epecialy when you install 3rd party stuff.
  20. Cannot reproduce, same mods, no lags or low fps when playing spg in BA mode.
  21. v9.17.1 #22 (14-03-2017): - updated YasenKrasen configs (added more detailed battle ended messages) - updated XVM's OTM by Tornado_Odan_Rot - updated XVM's OTM by night_dragon_on - updated XVM's OTM by RealVoid - updated XVM's OTM by KAP_KAPb14 - added new XVM option: Display more visible frags on Players Panel
  22. Mod is in conflict with WoT Tweaker - Disable Clouds
  23. Show on picture what you talking about, also include logs.
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