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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Get new modpack. It was caused by new Battle Observer.
  2. Ok, póki co to wszystko, nie dostałem nowych wersji testowych.
  3. v9.17.1 #17 (08-03-2017): - reverted Battle Observer to #07-1 (new version is bugged - i.e. chat not working) - added crosshair: Taipan - added contour icons: Witblitz (with Aslain's colors) - updated Wargaming.net League Skins
  4. Czat przez Battle Observera. A lagów nie doświadczyłem grając na tych samych modów.
  5. Yup, I have info in my signature, like Quaksen. That errors in python are normal thing, even clean client is producing it too, but if you want me to check it, I need my logs.
  6. Add logs too. I saw this issue once, but not sure where is this coming from, maybe a conflict with the other mod?
  7. v6.2.0 #03 (08-03-2017): - updated Alpha-Beta flags in 2K HD - updated Texture Based Ambient Occlusion v1.3 - updated semi-transparent fading minimap by fugetsu - updated KanColle Ship Previews mod (by sudoku135) - added Compressed textures weak computers - 12% - added contour icons: sudoku135 - re-added Rough seas [updated]
  8. Nie mialem czasu to sprawdzić, albo mi umknęło, nie pamiętam, ale widze że teraz masz starą paczkę pobierz nową i załącz z niej logi jesli jest problem.
  9. Kuzn skad je ma? One sa w dwoch wersjach, permanentne i te co sa w paczce.
  10. v6.2.0 #02 (07-03-2017): - added Ship Name Selector [external application] (by MasaruKondera) - added Alpha-Beta flags in 2K HD - fixed KanColle Ship Previews mod (by garfield001) - fixed flag mods by MajorRenegade - fixed contour icons: Hakabase standard - removed Smoke Counter (by MasaruKondera) [not working] - removed Rough seas [requires another update]
  11. v9.17.1 #16 (07-03-2017): - updated crew voices: Duke Nukem v2, My Little Pony: Tanking is Magic (od TheBerliett) - updated Guns & hits from WoT 0.6.7 v3.1.0 by DJ_DveiPL - updated Battle Observer #07-2 - updated contour icons Corehorn (fixed font) - added contour icons: Witblitz
  12. the res_mods will be removed, for now they (WG) left both folders, so modders can learn and test things before it happens, slowly all mods are being ported to wotmod system (mods folder).
  13. Yup, everything is normal on that pics, must be like Quaksen said, you get used to small resultion where things are overgrown like hell.
  14. Installer is not supporting scaled fonts in windows, set it back to 100% and you can use it normaly. Maybe in future, if someone helps me out with it.
  15. Show pictures maybe, have you tried without mods (safemode) and resetted graphic settings?
  16. v6.2.0 #01 (07-03-2017): - added contour icons: Panzerschiffer, Aslain, Garfield, MajorRenegade, DeCease - added flag mods by MajorRenegade - added MLP User Interface Mod by MajorRenegade - added Arpeggio of Blue Steel UI Theme Pack - added Detailed Damage Indicator - added Session Stats - added Historical Naval Ensigns (Flags) in 2k HD - updated KanColle Ship Previews mod (by garfield001) - updated Lady Commanders (by garfield001) - updated skins: Historical: Admiral Hipper, Prinz Eugen, Bismarck, Tirpitz - updated Side Panels by AutoSpy - note that most of ship skins are from and requires update
  17. Skin mods weren't updated yet, they may cause such issues. As for Haka problem, you need to provide logs if you want me to check it, otherwise no chance.
  18. v6.2.0 #00 (06-03-2017): - initial version for WoWs - updated minimap by AutoSpy - updated Custom Battle Loading Screen - updated Side Panels by AutoSpy - updated No fog - updated Rough seas - updated Anti-Glare (Sunglasses) - updated Unique camo for all ships - updated port: Jacuzzi, Halloween Phantasm - updated Compressed textures for weak computers (25%) - updated Extended Tech Tree - updated Player's Panels with HP bars by BADoBEST - updated Matchmaking Monitor - updated Historical Flag Mod Extension - updated Minimap with ship names - updated contour icons: Hakabase - removed Full Packages with interface mods - removed Session Stats - removed Ship Name Selector - removed all flag mods except for the extension which was updated - removed all contour icons except for updated one - removed text mods - info: removed mods will be back after their update
  19. v9.17.1 #15 (06-03-2017): - updated crew voices: Monty Python - updated Elkano's Minimap Ping Spam Blocker - added few missing icons to Colored chat messages - added crosshair: Harpoon english versions, Pulse - added contour icons: Prudenter - fixed one of MHL options: WN8 + DMG - activated the rest of PMOD session stats by kszys
  20. You did not select player name. Select one, I marked them.
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