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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Zgłaszałem problemy ze stabilnością tego moda do autora, ale nie zna przyczyny, więc marne szanse żeby cokolwiek się zmieniło w tej kwestii
  2. I don't see anything serious happening in python.log. Try to update your drivers, remove nvidia experience too, it was crashing mods in the past.
  3. Aslain

    Damage log

    It will be back when I find it working again, this is the case of all removed mods actualy
  4. Indeed, there was such bug in previous installers, without logs I couldn't tell which one you have used, I am glad you have it sorted now
  5. ARP skins package is huge (1.4GB) maybe you got it corrupted durring downloading, and could not be installed properly. Try to redownload, clean up dlc cache.
  6. Yeah I made small mistake in version name but ignore this.... Whats inside matters.
  7. Provide logs to analyze. Info in my signature. Also remove zoom out mod for now.
  8. WoWS EN translation for 0.6.1 #06 http://aslain.com/custom_messages/WoWs_en_translation_v6.0.1_06.ini
  9. WoT EN translation for #18 http://aslain.com/custom_messages/WoT_en_translation_9.17.0.3_18.ini WoWS EN translation for 0.6.1 #06 http://aslain.com/custom_messages/WoWs_en_translation_v6.0.1_06.ini
  10. Please attach all required logs (from the moment when the problem was active). I will check it then.
  11. Get new modpack, I fixed it about 3h ago.
  12. Ciężka sprawa jak jest taka częstotoliwość występowania to nie mam jak za bardzo sprawdzić, logi pythona czasem pomagają, innym razem nie.
  13. Cannot reproduce, played 3 battles with same mods.
  14. v6.1.0 #06 (13-02-2017): - updated No fog and anti-glare - updated all interface packages from Pravda Team - updated Fleet Redux – WoWs UI by MasaruKondera - added Star Wars Laser mod (gun sounds) [by MajorRenegade]
  15. From what I know It's feature of carousel mod, check it's filters.
  16. Well in this case I will check all changed maps in 6.1.0
  17. Gralem 5 bitew na tych samych modach, bez problemow.
  18. There is no such feature in this mod, so I cannot adjust it.
  19. Tried on three battles, and cannot reproduce this issue, using same mods like yourself.
  20. Many antivirs and protection software is basing on assumptions[1] and heuristics[2], some are based on users reports[3] 1. a) in example file is hosted on unknown website, so it's automaticaly marked as unsafe (stupid isn't it?) b) no digital signature found so it's marking file unsafe (yet another retarded reason) 2. it scans for known code parts and mark the file as virus/trojan if it finds its small (partial) code in antivir database when scanning the .exe. Sometimes few bits is enough to create a false-positive. 3 .there are always "special" users that mark a file because they have a bad day or like to troll, or for whatever reasons they had, and it ends up like that. If it comes to the smart screen i's usually case number 1.
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