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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Indeed, give them some time to generate enough battles in Grille 15 to create new expected wn8 values.
  2. So I was right, your PC is blocking it, and it's blocking the game.
  3. Hmm, ok, I didn't notice that, maybe some conflict with other mods.
  4. Nie każdy wie bo WG bo nie napisalo o tym chyba
  5. Found out what is causing it, it's incompatibility of Gambiter Logs with sound mods by DJ_Veil. Remove sound mods, and you should see icons again.
  6. Hehe Well meanwhile I changed notifications system, we shall see now.
  7. I have noticed errors from sending notifications, I will try to switch to different method, we shall see.
  8. v9.15.11 (05-06-2016): - fixed links in the update checker [can be clickable again] - updated XFT hitlog + damage log [rework by ZeesuS] - updated hitzones by Goharu - updated Standard crosshair, with better timer and more - updated my XVM config (to hide OTM stats placeholders if stats are not active) - added ProArty crosshair - added Annoying Features Remover by Reichsfackel - added Selected tank highlighter (XVM carousel) - added Sixth Sense Duration by ekspoint, and by VasyaPRO_2014
  9. Loaded same mods, and got no issues when someone is inviting me to platoon in garage. Nothing like you described.
  10. A bit of wild guess, but maybe it's XVM, could you try without it? Noticed also this suspicious log entry: ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/log_output.py, 52): XMPP_PY::GENERIC. Error has been received on requesting nicknames (ClientError(error=NOT_CONNECTED),) Could you also show your XVM.log?
  11. Juz ktos im pisal widze http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/32049-xvm-and-jimbos-crosshair-problem/
  12. Ja nie moge nic z tym zrobic niestety, mozesz tego nie instalowac, zarowno j1mbo albo wskaznika zoomu. Wskaznik pochodzi z XVM, wiec przypuszczam ze maja oni jakis blad w kodzie, dobrze by bylo im to zglosic, wtedy jest ewentualna szansa na naprawienie. Robi sie to tutaj po angielsku: http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/forum/57-xvm-english-support-and-discussions/ zalaczajac logi pythona i xvm.
  13. Could not reproduce with given logs. All is ok on my PC. Maybe show me your files in res_mods\configs\xvm\ (pack them up and attach). Whatever it is, it happened on your pc only.
  14. I already wanted to add it yesterday but couldn't make it work. I will make another attempt.
  15. Super Winny byl skrypt, rodzaj skryptu byl dobry, ale okazalo sie ze autor go zaktualizowal dzien pozniej, nie bylo nigdzie o tym mowy, stad nie zauwazylem.
  16. Nie wroci, bo nie musi, WG dodala te opcje do opcji w grze
  17. It's your PC or network blocking mods that trying to connect to internet, blocked mods, blocking game loading. It's in logs. Alternatively try to remove few mods that are checking for updates, like the first mod in the modpack (update checker).
  18. MR Frog, why u post in random topic? If you have issues make a proper bug report. read signature. You are using a mod that has a hotkey set to Num Pad. This is why, this message is probably something like: Blablabla Enabled, then you press the key again, and it says Blablabla Disabled, and over and over and long as you keep pressing.... So in short it's just mod enabled/disabled spam.
  19. No issues when loaded same mods, your python is weird too.
  20. Could not reproduce, when it shows up? Do you press a key or ?
  21. v9.15.10 (04-06-2016): - added Spotted Extended Light by spoter - added Black minimalistic hangar - added Damage stickers by Vlad_cs_sr - added vBAddict's ATS and BRR mods (for Active Dossier Uploader) - added Versus (collecting clan statistics for wotvs.com) - added OTM's: Solo, J1mbo, Webium - added Graphical stats (4 stars) option to OTM by Aslain - added XFT hitlog + damage log to non-XVM section [rework by ZeesuS] - moved option to color vehicle name by ally/enemy colors to the Field 2 - updated OTM's: night_dragon_on, demon2597, Default - updated contour icons: contrabass - fixed reload timer when installing custom spg crosshairs
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