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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Potrzebuje tez logi w ktorych masz problem. Bez usunietych modow.
  2. v9.14.44 (05-05-2016): - updated Chat filter (hate blocker) by Krzysztof_Chodak - fixed links in the update checker to reflect changes on aslain.com - removed Custom sniper aim circle [need more tests, may block loading into battle]
  3. W sensie ze odznaczasz cala sekcje dzwiekow 6-zmyslu i w grze nie slyszysz dzwiekow 6-zmyslu czy jakies inne slyszysz? Co sie dzieje.
  4. Nie jest to jasne czy chca linka do png czy do gotowego moda. Jesli do moda to trzeba uzyc program np. JPEXES na crosshairs.swf pobranego z oryginalnych plikow gry (ew. zainstalowac czyjs celownik i podmienic w nim grafike na swoja, uzywajac tego programu).
  5. Sprawdz czy nie masz virusa w systemie.
  6. It should work without much trouble, all you had to do is to pick proper type in game options. Attach logs.
  7. I am aware of this, wait for new WoT modpack, it will have updated links. :)
  8. Załącz logi, bo bez nich nic i tak nie sprawdze. Dzieki.
  9. Z tego co wiem to nie, ale WG moze ja dodac do gry.
  10. Aslain

    Big Waves

    I have looked at it today, they changed a lot in files that are used in this mod, I will try to start from scratch.
  11. v5.5.0.05 (04-05-2016): - added semi-transparent minimap by POSEJDON_1 - added Running Lights - added More visible torpedoes in water (by pold77) - added Session Stats [not compatible with Extended Tech-tree!] [RU version, since nobody is translating it] - replaced anti-mirror with files from AutoSpy [to fix player panels] - updated contour icons by Aslain, MajorRenegade, DeceasedDaisy, Hakabase - disabled outdated contour icons - moved Training Room and Damage on the battle results window to special category, since they are not compatible with eachother - you have to re-select that mods again
  12. Start with reading my signature and attaching logs :)
  13. Nie da sie zrobic czegos takiego w prosty sposob, wymagalo by strasznie wielkiego nakladu pracy, watpie by ktokolwiek chcial to robic. Ja nie chce napewno.
  14. Webium cos tam modowal dla Daltonistow, zobacz jego moda, po za tym moze ktos stworzy to co chcesz, ale lepiej uderzyc do kogos kto konkretnie co sie zna.
  15. Moge tylko dodawac mody ktore juz ktos stworzyl, jesli znasz taki mod podlinkuj go a wtedy zobacze, sam tworze tylko niektore mody, graficzne oraz dzwiekowe. Nie jest to w moich kompetencjach. :) pozdr.
  16. Pewnie nie wlaczyles go w opcjach. Nalezy wybrac odpowiedni celownik w ustawieniach gry, w opisie moda pisze ktory to "Type".
  17. It was identified. Don't use both mods together.
  18. Please read my signature.
  19. HP bars are not supported in, maybe in future someone make them again. As for Blury Icons, well this is how it's made currently, these icons are based on photoshop icons and numbers, instead of auto-generated ones like it was before.
  20. Reproduced, thanks. I will search for different files for icons, the ones from MajorRenegade doesnt work with every icons it seem.
  21. Dont use training room with battle results on ending screen. It's the same mod like in modpack.
  22. By modding you mean? You can use a tool JPXES on crosshairs.swf, or use current set of crosshairs available in the installer, or wait for some modders to create new crosshairs and maybe they will make something like you want.
  23. I am not that happy, since W03LOBED already started to mark some his mods that are only for certain modpack (russian ofc).
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