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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. To jest powazny blad, wiec raczej mysle ze to naprawią szybko.
  2. Blad XVM po dzisiejszym mikropaczu, na razie nic z tym zrobic nie mozna, po prostu zaladuj gre bez modow jesli potrzebujesz cos kupic. Mozna tak uruchomic gre z launchera.
  3. Something is blocking network connection, check your PC. That loader from RN is working like that, if it cannot check for udpates it will slow down game loading or even block it totaly. There is more mods like this you know, like update checker or OTM by ZJ.
  4. You can replace folder name "0.9.14" with "version", that will make it compatible for version changes in future. res_mods\version\gui\scaleform\InfoPanel.xml
  5. Easier method is to run the game in safe mode (from the launcher) :)
  6. Pack it with this path only: C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\0.9.14\gui\scaleform\InfoPanel.xml And place in customs folder.
  7. Z tego co widze to ten celownik jest dostepny w J1mbo.
  8. It's probably from XVM alone, some people already reported crashing on it without any other mods installed.
  9. It's because of XVM, nothing we can do, wait for update....
  10. I saw few people reporting that they crash even on XVM alone.
  11. v9.14.14 (24-03-2016): - updated XVM (5294) - updated Battle Assistant v1.3.4 [new feature: presss L.ALT after shoot to travel with shell] - updated UT Announcer [enabled text messages, credits to Beals for translation] - updated sounds.xc - enabled and updated Show Any Tank In Hangar [ignore that configurator button in garage, don't use it] - Attention! I've tagged all mods that might be considered illegal on EU. You are using them on your own risk (as always). Remember the EU server has no list of forbidden mods, but has this rule about unfair adventage instead, so every mod can be considered illegal. Wish the EU will get list of forbidden modifications like the NA & ASIA server has, because current form of rules is harming confused users only.
  12. Wait for todays modpack, maybe it will make difference.
  13. Mozesz powiedziec na jaki dzwiek Ci podmienilo? Co slyszysz konretnie? :) I czy tylko problem jest z dzwiekiem zmyslu czy tez jakies inne? Jeszcze inna sprawa ze logi sa ze starego modpacka. Moze poczekaj bo za chwile wypuszczam .14, i na niej sprawdz czy sie cos poprawilo, bo akurat nanioslem pare poprawek za radami z koreanrandoma.
  14. Moge, dodaje glownie jak ktos poprosi specjalnie.
  15. Yeah, the .13 modpack is critical, makes huge difference to that bug.
  16. Mozesz pokazac na obrazku o co chodzi i co sie dzieje?
  17. Chyba by sie dalo, trzeba by podmienic graficzke w pliku swf. Masz moze link do starego moda to wyciagne stamtad i zobacze.
  18. I need logs from latest installer, these are from old.
  19. I had no time to check it, you also added no logs so. I couldnt do it anyway. Now we have WoWs so if you stil have issues, please re-post everything.
  20. This mod is known for issues, it's also tagged in the installer as unstable.
  21. I had no time to check it, and now we have WoWs so if you stil have issues, please re-post everything.
  22. Schrottinger is gone, the same for capaltine, so we have to use what we have, no other option. Unless you know how to make it, and create own mod :)
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