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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. v4.6.16 (21-09-2015): - updated Multi Hit Log branch with the right side position, also added: only info panel option - added options to Vehicle Exp Extended branch: Calculate with Free XP & Display quests - added option: medium spg crosshair by J1mbo
  2. Mozesz pokazac screenshot z brakiem karuzeli, oraz napisz mi jak czesto to sie dzieje, np. blokada ladowania do bitwy, czy zawsze?
  3. You wanted to install Shtys panel over Gambiter's, and this selection is disabling whole Damage Logs section - these options are not compatible. Question is what you wanted to achieve by that selection :)
  4. W czasie jak to pisales to czytalem, ale nie mialem czasu na sprawdzanie, trzeba bylo sie przypomniec po paru dniach. Czy na najnowszym modpacku (4.6.15) nadal masz problem?
  5. Cannot reproduce this issue anymore with latest modpack, seem to be fixed in 4.6.15.
  6. Out of curiosity, do you have this issue in replays only, ever happened in regular game?
  7. Yeah it's known AVG issue, I reported it to them, one day fix will arrive, until then do as you wish ignore it, or don't install if you are affraid.
  8. Bez XVM ten mod nie zadziala, bo zarowno ikonka jak i dzwiek jest odgrywany dzieki XVM. SzarikMod.zip
  9. I remember there was something like that, showing a speed and direction vector for every enemy ship, and also prediction point where to shot, aim assist mod, but it's not working anymore and is illegal I belive.
  10. EN 4.6.15 http://aslain.com/custom_messages/en_translation_4.6.15.ini
  11. To display winchance, you have to activate it in options on XVM website: http://www.modxvm.com/
  12. Moze przy nastepnej okazji dodam opcje zeby mozna bylo to wyswietlac z prawej, bo faktycznie kiedys to tak bylo, ale autor moda tak to pozmienial.
  13. Ale ja nie mam co naprawiac, to nie moja wina ale antywirusa ktorego uzywasz.
  14. Also check your selected mods, you simpy selected a mod that is changing game language, and it's tagged like that.
  15. It don't show shells intentionaly, I consider it's a cheat to know a shell count imo.
  16. Falszywy alarm, AVG oglupialo po ostatniej aktualizacji, zglosilem to im, mam nadzieje ze naprawia.
  17. I use perma ALT interface (via in-game options). That mod you mentioned did that before, but now it's basicaly does the same + showing hp bars on minimap window (M) which is helpfull I guess.
  18. Loading indication while fighting in battle and moving ships guns? Sounds like issues with computer, hdd or something. Does it happens even if you uninstall the modpack? If yes, then I suggest to write a ticket to WG support.
  19. v4.6.15 (20-09-2015): - updated XVM to v6.1.4.1 - updated Gnomefather's engine sounds v0.7 - moved and updated Multi Hit Log with new configs, left my old wn8 eff as extra option
  20. Aslain

    Shout box

    About the shotbox read this topic. As for your other question, don't think you can do it automaticaly, you have to click on all 200+ tanks manualy.
  21. Autor udostepnil kod zrodlowy w ktorym pokazal ze nic zlego sie nie dzieje, wiec zostal przywrocony do wielu modpackow ostatnio.
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