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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Juz naprawiono, ze podglad modow nie znika jak sie ma 720p :) Na shotbox mozesz juz pisac, wymagania 1 dzien wieku konta, i 1 post na forum.
  2. Sciagnij nowy instalator, wczoraj kolo 18:00 wyszedl, tam jest to poprawione.
  3. v0.5.1 (10-09-2015): - compatible with WoWs
  4. color='{{v.c_wn8effd}}'>{{v.tdb%-4d|--}} // Dynamic color by WN8 effective damage "wn8effd": [ { "value": 0.6, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } }, { "value": 0.8, "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad" } }, { "value": 1.0, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal" } }, { "value": 1.3, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good" } }, { "value": 2.0, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} }, { "value": 15, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique" } } ],
  5. So it's fixed for you? Small code change was applied in 4.6.7
  6. It might be truth for script I decompiled, but not for current one you know :) It's better not to touch -1,0,1 I think
  7. When I decompiled one of stats.pyc not sure from who it was: -1: 'defeatsCount', 0: 'drawsCount', 1: 'winsCount'} battleCounters = {1: 'battlesCountRandom', 2: 'battlesCountTraining', 3: 'battlesCountCompany', 4: 'battlesCountTournament', 5: 'battlesCountClan', 6: 'battlesCountTutorial', 7: 'battlesCountTeam', 8: 'battlesCountHistorical', 9: 'battlesCountEvents', 10: 'battlesCountStrongholdSkirmish', 11: 'battlesCountStronghold', 12: 'battlesCountRatedTeam', 13: 'battlesCountClan'
  8. I belive this is valid: "ignoreBattleType": [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13],
  9. Indeed, it happens to many players, but not to everyone, but I blocked possibility to install both just in case. Someone may report it to spoter or krzysztof chodak, I think they will ask for python.log too.
  10. v4.6.7 (09-09-2015): - fixed missing channel buttons when installing Dumadidak Clear Hangars - replaced HD minimaps config with locastan's one - removed Damage Panel similar to zayaz and Jahral's Damage Panel - disabled repair function in Autoaim indication+ - updated contour icons: Wizards, Jackhammer (by Tomsa/Patejl352) - updated Damage Log Gambiter v0.1.8 (player names are under ALT now) - updated crosshair: Hardscope - updated 15m circle mod - updated ATAC! mod - added Soil Passability mod [next to HD minimap section] - added UT Announcer - added WoT Tweaker (from different author, hopefully stable now) - added Show vehicle mod [allows to view tanks you don't own in garage] - added Damage Panel Zayaz - it's possible to install minimap images without disabling XVM minimap now
  11. Couldn't reproduce with your mod setup. Get latest installer and check.
  12. Yeah, you can do it manualy, but it's a lot of work, you basicaly have to open almost every .xc file in XVM config folder and remove them. For example open batteloading.xc, then find macros like this {{kb%2d~k|--k}}, and remove everything that is behind | in this case it's --k {{kb%2d~k|--k}} -----> {{kb%2d~k|}}
  13. Stats can be disabled on XVM website, but the placeholders will stay there, so you will see many dashes and few letters when you disable them
  14. All added, will be today, now I'm looking for more stuff to do
  15. Zalacz swoje logi i jakis replay z tą mapą jak masz gdzies.
  16. Dziwnie, nie powinno tak robic, mozesz zalaczyc logi? nie instalowales czasem save login asia? nie powinno dac sie tego zrobic na rejonie EU ale kto wie...
  17. Currently there is no such feature, buy you can use this app: http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/226-27032015-loadinf-for-aslains-installer-v25-gui/
  18. Zawsze podawalem SHA256 od paru miesiecy, ale nie mialem czasu sie tym bawic wiec aktualnie nie ma.
  19. Ok, i tylko ten plik ma problem pobrac, czy kazdy? Cos blokuje Ci instalator, moze uruchamiasz go w jakims sandboxie.
  20. Maybe this is CW issue again, in 9.9 session stat mods got bugged after every CW battle.
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