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  1. Aslain's post in Time last played was marked as the answer   
    If you have the same problem without mods, then it's not due to mods, that's all I can tell 🙂 For more you have to ask WG support, maybe they have a bug, one person from asia  cannot see this date/timestamp at all in new game update.
  2. Aslain's post in System Windows nie może uzyskać dostępu do określonego urządzenia ścieżki lub pliku. Możesz nie mieć odpowiednich uprawnień dostępu do elementu. was marked as the answer   
    Sprawdz antywirusa, ostatnio mocno miesza sie do modpacka, oczywiscie bez powodów.
  3. Aslain's post in Błąd podczas instalacji was marked as the answer   
    Nie ma nic podejrzanego, po prostu falszywie-dodatni wynik, zrob zgloszenie do Nortona. Ostatnio tez Windows Defender szalal, tez to zglaszalem microsoftowi aby naprawili. Moje programy są zawsze wolne od zagrożeń. Nie mógłbym sobie pozwolić na taki numer, nawet przypadkiem.
  4. Aslain's post in Small delay during the start of a game was marked as the answer   
    This looks suspicious: 
    2024-02-16 14:04:22.281: ERROR: RuntimeError: Plan "VFX/G164_Kpz_Pr_68_P_N23_3Dst/GetMoveParameters_control" : IsPlayerVehicle_1 - Input vehicle is not valid!
    Have you tried to repair your game client?
    I see you are installing those hitzones, I would start removing them, then maybe XVM.
    Does it happen with every tank or just some? On every map or just some? Can you see it in replay too? Attach replay if you do.
  5. Aslain's post in Wyłączona możliwość ustawienia garaży aslain. was marked as the answer   
    Mody na szaro zostały dezaktywowane z możliwości instalacji, bo nie zostały zaktualizowane do aktualnej wersji gry. Jeśli ich autor lub ktoś inny je zaktualizuje to znów będzie można je instalować, ale wątpie by się to stało, gdyż chyba nikt nie pracuje już nad nimi.
  6. Aslain's post in With the new update, a mod file was detected in the res folder error was marked as the answer   
    You need to find out who and what is installing to res folder and elimitate it.
  7. Aslain's post in Win Rate by Ship in the carousel was marked as the answer   
    This is Lesta client mod, maybe this is why it happens like that. I cannot anything about it, also reporting it to author is pointless since he doesn't create mods from WG client. So it is what it is. However it's rather simple mod, that just loads data from the server, so the problem is probably not in the mod but server side/modsapi side.
  8. Aslain's post in Installing for both server and test server was marked as the answer   
    The installer is not supporting the bin folder location on the test server, you may have to move mods manually there, but you have no guarantee that all will work, because test server is always ahead to the current game version.
  9. Aslain's post in Download Failed: File not found. (404) ? was marked as the answer   
    Should be fixed by now, try again.
  10. Aslain's post in Error while installing Visible Penentration Indicator was marked as the answer   
    Try to DL it now.
  11. Aslain's post in Score Timer Placement Issue was marked as the answer   
    Use mouse to drag it.
  12. Aslain's post in Extended Blacklist over 10,000 was marked as the answer   
    Have a good one mate 🙂
  13. Aslain's post in [SOLVED] Modpack downloading issue was marked as the answer   
    This issue was already reported two days ago on my Discord. When I checked it back then, it was working fine for me, but today I encountered the same problem. I will inform the hosting admin.
  14. Aslain's post in Czy można przeglądać w instalce poszczególne mody klikając bez zaznaczania? was marked as the answer   
    A tak przy okazji, mozesz przegladac podglad bez wybierania myszką, wystarczy kliknac np. na mod który już masz wybrany, a potem strzałkami góra/dół klawiatury zmieniać mody na liście, bez konieczności ich wybierania.
  15. Aslain's post in Brak możliwości zaznaczenia pola Hitmarker przy instalacji was marked as the answer   
    Nie umozliwiam tego, bo mod jest zabugowany, pewnie nigdy nie wróci.
  16. Aslain's post in WSPinger version not up to date was marked as the answer   
    In next modpack WSPinger will be updated, it could be in todays update but I overlooked the new version.
  17. Aslain's post in Brak możliwości potwierdzenia czołgu- tryb natarcie was marked as the answer   
    Wydaje mi sie ze to bedzie ciezko sprawdzic, trzeba by zagrac tyle razy ile masz modow i usuwac po jednym watpie by komukolwiek sie chcialo 😉 czasami cos pisze w python.log, ale nie ma go w logach co załączyłeś.
    Ja ci się chce, to usuń połowe modów, potem kolejną połowę itd, to najszybsza metoda.
  18. Aslain's post in Will lesta.ru no longer be supported in the future? Updated to v13.0.0 # 03, many functions still fail was marked as the answer   
    Lesta is no longer supported because since Wargaming divided in WG/Lesta it has become double work for me. For the moment the modpack can be installed there, just not all mods may work, as you noticed it's usually Port Interface mods breaking between game updates, but not only. However in further game updates it will become more and more disfunctional.
  19. Aslain's post in ships win rate was marked as the answer   
    Because API2 is not fixed, waiting for WG, it's their bug.
  20. Aslain's post in Launcher white screen was marked as the answer   
    Mods doesn't affect Game Center, it's totally different independent program.
    btw. your logs are from WoT.
  21. Aslain's post in Unable to successfully launch application after modpack install was marked as the answer   
    Try removing AT Session Stats.
  22. Aslain's post in TTaro / Roslich team panel issue was marked as the answer   
    You don't see the team panels? You have to enable the team panels in the game settings. TTaro's panels disable them to display their own panels properly.
  23. Aslain's post in _Aslains_Installer_Options.inf Location was marked as the answer   
    Use .reg file, it's better, no need for LoadInf app.
  24. Aslain's post in Po aktualizacji modpacka do najnoweszej wersji wywala drzewko rozwojów, karuzele was marked as the answer   
    No czasami takie rzeczy sie moga dziac, wszystko zalezy od indywidualnych ustawien w windowsie, najlepiej instalowac bedac zalogowanym do konta pelnoprawnego admina w windows, i potem na tym koncie tez grac 🙂
  25. Aslain's post in Prośba o sprecyzowanie gdzie jest mod w paczce was marked as the answer   
    Na tą chwilę chyba najlepszy i najaktualniejszy mod to Eshter smart (inteligentne) które mają ruskie opcje w garażu, działa po wycelowaniu w czołg. Ewentualnie mniej aktualne (brakuje nowych czołgów z kilku ostatnich lat) KoreanRandom.

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