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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. Link worked for me. Try again, or try one of the other options. Edit: Worked for starting, then died/very slow Server is probably overloaded, which is normal for patch day.
  2. You must have something special happening then... In all the other cases prior to yours - it's because of the XVM reserve filter, for some bizarre reason. Since tanks shouldn't be there before you put them there. Since the reserve filter is stored locally. All others I've dealt with prior to you, has checked the reserve, found them there, and solved it. So, don't know what to tell you.
  3. So sounds like they are indeed in the reserve location. Since they aren't shown when filters are reset. You'd need to select the reserve filter, to have them show up, and remove them from reserve again. XVM is hiding them, based on that - which is why they show up just fine in safe mode.
  4. His tank was, for whatever reason, set as reserve, since he found it there, and took it off reserve. Did you try enabling the reserve filter, to look for those tanks? It's the only reason a tank wouldn't show in the carousel with normal filters.
  5. XVM only updates like once every few weeks - or if you ask them to. Go to the website, and click "Update statistics". http://www.modxvm.com/en/ When you mouseover the button, it'll say when your stats were last updated.
  6. Not too sure what you mean? Please try to describe the issue better, and also attach log files. (See my signature on how to)
  7. Someone else mentioned bonds, and this is his reply, from 2. September: "I'm not able to implement anything that requires in-game testings to the script before I'm back to home (2-3 months)." http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/583433-09200-yasenkrasen-colored-messages-session-statistics-eng-05092017/page__st__580__pid__14726799#entry14726799
  8. Aslain checks this forum, but I don't think the Dado_Ze checks this section.. which is why I linked the forum post.
  9. The EU post is here: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/583433-09200-yasenkrasen-colored-messages-session-statistics-eng-05092017/ Not sure if he has an NA post.
  10. That's so bizarre if you just bought it, and it was placed as reserve But glad you found it anyways
  11. The one you uploaded, is 45x47:
  12. Glad it's working for you Thanks for posting that!
  13. Can you resize it to 24x24? That'll cut down on Aslain's workload
  14. He should be able to use the one I created from your profile avatar image. But if you have the original, that'd be better, I bet? Depends - is the original without the white background (transparent background) or is it like your avatar? (if it's like your avatar, then it should be all good from here)
  15. Good to hear it's fixed, for whatever reason Keep in mind: It's not your actual gun that determines the safe shot.. it's the client crosshair. (If you hold down right click, and look another direction than your gun - you should be able to move mouse over a friendly tank, and not be able to fire, since your crosshair is on him)
  16. Logs please See my signature for a link.
  17. Because there's no easy way to download clan logo's, like there is in WoT.
  18. Author of that mod needs to fix those little things, it's starting to get annoying
  19. Would be much easier if you just did as Aslain is requesting. Instead of posting a screenshot saying this is your tag, which is an image that is much larger, and a different format, than requested. (It's a 100x100 jpg, instead of a 24x24 png.) It'll have the ugly white background, since it's not a real png file. Instead of just being the black logo.
  20. That's weird... when I unticked Firing Range, the X went away.. and when I ticked it again, the X reappeared. Might need Aslain's brain on this one (unless it's a local issue of some weird sort)
  21. Tested your exact setup (minus the external program you have selected) I see the X. Try holding down CTRL while in battle - click the gear icon above the minimap - is "Firing Range" checked?
  22. Hard to tell without the log files But you're probably using gun sounds mod?
  23. Custom folder is only touched by you. Clear DLC cache only clears the DLC cache. Previous mods only clears the res_mods.
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