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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. So there is. It's kinda recently added, since XVM 6.8.0 (WoT 9.19.1) Where would you like it added? Could you take screenshots of the places you'd like it to show, and I'll see what I can do for now, until Aslain possibly adds it as a sub-option in the installer? It can be on: Player Panels Statisticsform (TAB screen) Minimap Vehicle Markers
  2. Don't think it's possible.. pretty sure the game only displays blacklist, and nothing else.
  3. Merged Maybe you could try removing mods one by one, to figure out which one causes it? You can always backup your current setup, by saving the file needed for: (_Aslains_Installer_Options.inf file)
  4. He's on laptop. At least the graphicscard is meant for laptop-usage. (The M-tag on the graphicscard)
  5. Moved from WoT to WoWs section. Kraken says you need to select type 1 crosshair in settings. Did you try that?
  6. Please attach logs to your post. See my signature for the link to a guide.
  7. What would you be needing the Russian forum account for? (You don't need one to download the mod)
  8. There's a 1.09.4 version in the original thread, link in the post above this one saying "latest one" is 1.09.3. http://forum.worldoftanks.ru/index.php?/topic/1385404-0920-battle-observer-1094-13092017-teamshp-damage-log-zoommod-debug-time-armorcalculator/
  9. Should have been fixed already... Guess someone needs yelling at...
  10. File is currently missing from the DLC server, which is why it says it's not found. You'll need to wait till Aslain gets it sorted.
  11. You have to select the crosshair in the WoWs settings menu ingame for crosshairs.
  12. Aslain seems to be doing just fine Complaining about lack of morphine, but he did do a modpack update for World of Warships, using his phone, TeamViewer to his computer at home. I'm telling you.. Aslain is a robot, Terminator-style, and he went in to get an oil change or something
  13. Install modpack as usual. Open res_mods folder. Remove the empty folder. Rename folder to And give it a try. There might be broken mods - so keep that in mind. Not everything will be perfect like that.
  14. Modpack is for, as it tells you. The game has been updated for Aslain is currently in the hospital, so won't be able to update yet. You can try copy/pasting the contents of the folder into Others reported that worked fine.
  15. Good to know. Will have to give my setup a spin tomorrow when EU gets the update.
  16. Okay, your profile says "Server: EU" , but figured you'd probably be over there. You had a patch today, and thus, modpack needs an update. Which will take some time, since as you've probably seen, Aslain is currently in the hospital.
  17. If you're on EU, the update isn't until tomorrow, so not sure why you'd get that message suddenly.
  18. Aslain Today 12:53 "The surgery was successful. Think I will survive this just this big pain and all that wires and tubes connected to me.... So I am still alive..." from the chatbox
  19. Surely the parts where it says "ARMOR_PIERCING" isn't in Russian. So top to bottom would be: APCR AP APHE (Not sure really.. don't think it's used) HE HEAT
  20. No issue for me with Japanese ships. They're speaking what I selected in the settings ingame. Voiceover language: English (Pirate) Voiceover modification: Standard
  21. Very vague question. Are you talking about when playing on Japanese ships? Are you talking about when playing on ARP ships? What did you set your voiceover selection to in the WoWs settings menu ingame?
  22. If you're using the Wargaming.net Game Center, that will probably cause the installer to say there's no client there. Mods should still be installed just fine, and work fine, unless you're launching the game in Safe Mode. (Guess you hadn't figured it out, just double-posted.. I had moved the other one, but will keep this one open. )
  23. Judging by the amazing stamina Aslain has shown when updating his modpacks, he should be fine during this as well. All the best of luck, wishes and love from all of us around here, to you, Aslain
  24. Which one? Battle Observer? Yeah I think they posted that in the Russian thread.
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