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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. Roughly going by your statement, your crewmember got around 4125-4228 xp. Remember there's a 5x multipler on free xp to crew xp (unless event with 10x) And 825 difference in the free xp requirement, would match that quite well. Spending 825 free xp on the crew member, would have given him what you gained in the battle. Another edit: And remember crew xp is quite exponential in growth. Primary training is 105k xp First skill is 210k xp Second skill is 420k xp Third is 840k xp And so forth.. doubling with every skill. Fun fact, the time it takes you to get first + second skill to 100%, is the same time you'll spend for this....: "You will need roughly 611,195 exp from 99% to 100% of Seventh skill"
  2. Look for the mods that are marked as changing your language. (YasenKrasen text extension, for example...)
  3. That mod has a LOT of files, and it's quite well packaged. It takes a lot of time to unpack/extract, depending on your computer.
  4. YasenKrasen is, by default, setup to only include RANDOM BATTLES, and nothing else.
  5. I am fairly sure that a mod like that is now considered illegal. Artillery aren't supposed to have a "sniper" mode. Could be wrong though... it's just my two cents on the subject.
  6. Two different donation options on the main page http://aslain.com And the link marked (direct) bypasses the ad-page
  7. I don't think that's possible at all. From carousel.xc, these are the sorting orders, for example: // Order of nations. // Порядок наций. //"nations_order": ["ussr", "germany", "usa", "china", "france", "uk", "japan", "czech", "sweden"], "nations_order": [], // Order of types of vehicles. // Порядок классов техники. "types_order": ["lightTank", "mediumTank", "heavyTank", "AT-SPG", "SPG"], // Tank sorting criteria, available options: (minus = reverse order) // Критерии сортировки танков, доступные значения: (минус = в обратном порядке) // "nation", "type", "level", "-level", "maxBattleTier", "-maxBattleTier", "premium", "-premium", // "winRate", "-winRate", "markOfMastery", "-markOfMastery", "xtdb", "-xtdb", "xte", "-xte", // "damageRating", "-damageRating", "marksOnGun", "-marksOnGun" "sorting_criteria": ["nation", "type", "level"],
  8. Have you seen these two links? http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/7582-tank-skinning-faq-basic-preparation-of-skins-for-painting/ http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/13799-some-handy-texturing-tips-photoshop-and-gimp-friendly/
  9. There are direct links after all the adfly links, always have been For cases where people are having issues with the adfly links.
  10. If for whatever reason you have issues with that link - use the direct link, it's right next to it.
  11. I've seen similar pages being noisy and claiming various things. The only button that should ever be touched on the ad link, is the Skip one in the top right corner. Those pages will probably still appear in the future - since the ad company refuses to acknowledge the problem. Don't worry about the links - for some reason many seems to never notice the direct one, maybe they think it's a note about the first one..
  12. The fix is also a case of your side. Since you could be using adblock/internet security - or just use the direct link, which bypasses it, but doesn't support Aslain. Aslain already spoke to the guys handling the ad-redirection, but they keep saying everything is fine on their end. (Even though it's their site displaying stuff..)
  13. In the launcher, there's settings button top right, click that, and go to Support tab, it has a "Check and repair game integrity" button
  14. Grab ffdec, and you'll be able to open/extract/modify/re-save swf files from WoT https://www.free-decompiler.com/flash/download/
  15. Use direct links, if you cannot manage to get proper internet security software / clicking the correct obvious button to skip on the normal download link.
  16. Please also remember to include the log files - just in case. Always a good idea to attach those. (See my signature, if you don't know how to do it)
  17. Are you installing mods like the Texture Based Ambient Occlusion?
  18. At a glance, it should be possible to change in BIOS - but beyond that - no clue. Hopefully someone else knows / has a laptop
  19. Hm - that Intel HD Graphics 5500 is being a real dumbass it looks like. If I'm not mistaken, that thing uses your normal memory, since it says it only has 128 MB dedicated... the 4057 MB shared is your RAM being used for the graphics. Excessive for it to be sharing that much, for that resolution... o_O Though I don't fully understand how that whole shared memory thing works. I wonder if it's possible to limit the amount of memory being "shared".
  20. Too many things running in the background? Memory leak in a program you have running? Not rebooting frequently enough?
  21. Did you select proper option for mirroring in the modpack? Hard to tell without logs, as always required when posting a bug report. If it's a Ranked Battle-thingie, it's not fixed in XVM.
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