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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. HockeyPhool, try without; Crosshairs Standard crosshair, with better timer and more Because crosshairs script has been messing things up - but not every time you play.. it's hit and miss, it seems.
  2. The loading screen is bugged in XVM - they need to fix it.
  3. You need to use a newer installer then, if you're still installing into the folder
  4. Crosshairs OverCross Try without the crosshair, previous "no HUD in battle" has been caused by crosshairs.
  5. At least you're making sure you won't be hitting allies or wrecks: AutoAim Indication+ [without snapping feature] (legit version) block shooting at wrecks block shooting at allies & Safe Shot Extended (by ekspoint) Block shooting at wrecks & allies for 2s
  6. I guess I read over your post a little too quickly too - because I see now that you probably mean the loading screens - which aren't working properly in XVM itself.. we'll need XVM team to fix it
  7. It's broken in XVM itself... wait for XVM team to fix it. http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/453418-official-xvm-topic-xvm-extended-visualization-mod/page__st__460__pid__13530186#entry13530186
  8. Gotta love the easily solved things, happy sailing!
  9. Looks like you have Russian selected, click the "EN" button top right corner.. If you get the same after you click EN... well - that's an issue.
  10. Can see picture fine in both of your posts What you need to do is attach the logs Aslain needs; See his signature, or mine, for the link to how to find and attach them When you're typing a reply, you'll see "choose files.." below, and then you need to navigate to World of Tanks folder, and attach python.log, and _Aslain_logs.zip And if you don't have the _Aslain_logs.zip file, then there's 4 files (I think) all named something with _Aslains_Installer in the beginning.
  11. I've seen similar, but on another site using another adfly-type ad link.. Chrome, at least, don't know about the other browsers, can easily stop those popups, like you mention, letting you close the page. It was talking about windows being out of date, blahblah, click this link to fix, and what not, lol.
  12. Isn't NA on the version? EU is. What folder is it saying you're missing? And what modpack version are you using? It's not easy without any logs and not much information You don't need to re-install the game, just because of that - you can just create the folder it's saying is missing - which is most likely the version folder in the res_mods folder.
  13. I already posted this You did select a mod that includes sound file.. though in recent installers, the sound from the "sixth sense duration" mod is disabled by default.. you may still see the message since the bnk file is still being loaded?
  14. Goes to the torrent link now, at least.
  15. His post is about BOTH... or he has a really bad time wording it. He does write "install modpack" Anyways, detection on the zip is 0.
  16. Yeah, when WoT complains about missing folder, just create it, no need to reinstall the entire game because of it. Or change the version number like bubs79 said - though mods might not work due to the update.
  17. What would be the point of this mod? Putting a label on people that were caught, most of which probably dropped those mods, to avoid getting permanently banned. So what will it do? Make people teamkill them for having used cheats in the past, screwing up the entire team, not just one persons game?
  18. Given that it's forbidden by the Fair Play Policy.... NOPE.
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