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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. Max shouldn't matter, when it comes to that big blank space. And your kills is before the name, so that doesn't answer it either... hmm. :/ "vehicleWidth": 192, maybe?
  2. Looks more like an issue for the nick width, is your minimum set to the same as maximum? Otherwise I'm not sure.
  3. Danish for WoT installer updated: WoT_da_translation_9.16_17.ini.zip
  4. I don't think you can change the color if you wanted to do that.. you could use the Extra Aim Info for the same information that is shown by the arty sight, and just turn the arty sight stuff off?
  5. \res_mods\0.9.16\gui\flash\crosshairs\strategicCrosshair.json Probably the closest you get to editing the text.
  6. All you ASIA guys - don't select Gun Sounds! Apparently the micropatch that added a tank for the other servers, haven't been applied to your server. Exception: error in 'scripts/item_defs/vehicles/usa/A117_T26E5.xml/turrets0/Turret_1_A117_T26E5/guns/_90mm_Gun_T7E1': unknown name Exception: error in 'scripts/item_defs/vehicles/usa/components/guns.xml/shared/_90mm_Gun_T7E1/shots/_90mm_HVAP_T30E15': unknown shell type name That gun belongs to the T26E5, which was added in a micropatch. And it's causing the crash you for.
  7. Attach your INF file, and I'll have a look if I can find it (_Aslains_Installer_Options.inf)
  8. Nice idea with the exclamation mark above the hp percent
  9. Damn that latency it's showing you getting. How frequently are you spiking to almost 1 second latency? Nevermind, it's shown in the screenshots. Hmm. Are you by any chance using a Western Digital external harddrive? (And thus, using their software, WD SmartWare?)
  10. Aha, found a neat little menu http://aslain.com/index.php?/attachments/
  11. Ah, hehe Damn you have a lot of stuff attached then, unless I have a different limit, mine shows "Max total size 39.38MB"
  12. Throw it up on imgur or something, and link it Since you mention 100%, the low hp marker only shows at 25% and below. They most definently aren't going to be ontop of one another, if you selected both in the installer. If they are, it's a bug that snuck in, that wasn't there in .15
  13. Not sure about it. You might be able to adjust the fragsWidth, and removes spaces here and there in the two vehicleFormatRight/Left sections.
  14. There's a limit to the background of the player panels. :/
  15. If you select both in the installer, the low hp exclamation mark will be to the right of the percentage shown. So it goes: HP Bar - HP Percent - Exclamation Mark
  16. Please attach _Aslain_logs.zip as well.
  17. Good to hear you got it sorted
  18. Font problem. Delete fonts with "XVM" in the name from your Windows Fonts folder, and then reinstall the modpack.
  19. A new tank was included in a micropatch, that you don't have. That's whats causing it. The game fails trying to load the file in relation to that tank.
  20. Weird that the tank would default as reserve... anyways, it's fixed for you now (Reserve option is an XVM thing, that lets you hide tanks you rarely play, for example)
  21. Try setting your filter to reserve tanks.. The likely issue is you set it to reserve, and this hid it.
  22. Poked Aslain about this, as it would be a nice addition. Dang FC's and their love of calling percentages (It's faster/easier to call 24% rather than 351 hp) Until he adds, you could do this temporarily: In the file: \res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain\markersAliveNormal.xc Find: "format": "{{hp}} / {{hp-max}}" And change it to this, for example: "format": "{{hp}} / {{hp-max}}<br>{{hp-ratio}}%" Which would make a new line beneath the 550 / 1100 display, showing 50%, for example. Haven't messed with the right or left side of the HP bar, but it's very much possible Edit: Bah, messed with it anyways. In my markersAliveNormal.xc, I found the section: "TierNumber": { And changed: "format": "{{rlevel}}" to "format": "{{hp-ratio}}%" and then of course flipped "enabled": false, to "enabled": true, And it puts percentage to the left of the hp bar, in my case.
  23. Please attach logs, see my signature or the pinned thread in this Issues & bug reporting section on how to find them.
  24. Oh, by the way, the wn8 display in battle, can be moved by holding down control, and dragging it.
  25. Check the link in my signature, and add the logs it tells you to. It'll help Aslain help you.
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