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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. Please attach _Aslain_logs.zip as well.
  2. Good to hear you got it sorted
  3. Font problem. Delete fonts with "XVM" in the name from your Windows Fonts folder, and then reinstall the modpack.
  4. A new tank was included in a micropatch, that you don't have. That's whats causing it. The game fails trying to load the file in relation to that tank.
  5. Weird that the tank would default as reserve... anyways, it's fixed for you now (Reserve option is an XVM thing, that lets you hide tanks you rarely play, for example)
  6. Try setting your filter to reserve tanks.. The likely issue is you set it to reserve, and this hid it.
  7. Poked Aslain about this, as it would be a nice addition. Dang FC's and their love of calling percentages (It's faster/easier to call 24% rather than 351 hp) Until he adds, you could do this temporarily: In the file: \res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain\markersAliveNormal.xc Find: "format": "{{hp}} / {{hp-max}}" And change it to this, for example: "format": "{{hp}} / {{hp-max}}<br>{{hp-ratio}}%" Which would make a new line beneath the 550 / 1100 display, showing 50%, for example. Haven't messed with the right or left side of the HP bar, but it's very much possible Edit: Bah, messed with it anyways. In my markersAliveNormal.xc, I found the section: "TierNumber": { And changed: "format": "{{rlevel}}" to "format": "{{hp-ratio}}%" and then of course flipped "enabled": false, to "enabled": true, And it puts percentage to the left of the hp bar, in my case.
  8. Please attach logs, see my signature or the pinned thread in this Issues & bug reporting section on how to find them.
  9. Oh, by the way, the wn8 display in battle, can be moved by holding down control, and dragging it.
  10. Check the link in my signature, and add the logs it tells you to. It'll help Aslain help you.
  11. \res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain\battleLabelsTemplates.xc You can shift the damage log and hit log there. Doing it for everyone in the modpack, would make it screwed up for people that doesn't care about the vanilla setting for the bottom part, or the other mod for the top part. An option could be added at some point, like there is with the other damage logs.
  12. You can turn automatic updates off though. Not as easy as flicking a switch, but easy enough. I wouldn't worry about the peer-to-peer sharing of the Windows updates. But it can be turned off as well.
  13. Windows 10 is great, in my opinion. Enjoyed it since day 1. Sure, you need to do a few changes, but once that is done, it's smooth riding from there. Downloading windows updates you mean? That's kinda with your knowledge, but.. hehe. (Windows Defender is the part that sucks.. and that's not a Windows 10 exclusive..)
  14. Don't worry about his comment on processor and what not. Windows Defender would choke on the file regardless
  15. Sounds like you accidentally selected something in the installer, if you have only been using this modpack.
  16. If you want to bold everything. Otherwise <b> before the text you want to bold, and </b> behind it. And repeat. If you want only Aim time text shown as bold, and nothing else. Then you'd end the tag right after Aim time text.
  17. Normal italic tag would be <i>STUFF</i>
  18. Can't help you with Jimbo's. However, Extra Aim Info: \res_mods\0.9.16\scripts\client\gui\mods\mod_ExtraAimInfo.json There's a section for each type of sight (Arcade, Sniper, Strategic), so remember to adjust the lines in all of them. The color is already set to FFFFFF which is white. You can change that. (A good website for colors is http://www.color-hex.com/ and then replace the FFFFFF with whatever you find on there) Normal Red would be: FF0000 (zeros), http://www.color-hex.com/color/ff0000 The font size you could change. Adding <b> and </b> works too, to bold it. (Inside the font tag.. so it'll look like <font><b>STUFF</b></font>
  19. Great! Hopefully it'll stay there after you restart the game too, hehe
  20. It should, I think? But I'm not sure. You might need to restart game after moving it in one battle. It's been a while since I used the mod, and I haven't used it at all in 9.16
  21. Hold down CTRL, and you should be able to drag it around. Config file is: \res_mods\configs\wotfan_mods\mod_pcm_helper\mod_pcm_helper.json
  22. What does your battleLoading.xc file have, for this line: (Line 31, or so) "removeVehicleLevel": Also try with the latest installer, just in case.
  23. Danish for WoT installer updated: WoT_da_translation_9.16_11.ini.zip
  24. Windows Defender is known to have issues with the executable, for whatever reason... You could add it to exclusions, which should let you open it fast. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/instantanswers/64495205-6ddb-4da1-8534-1aeaf64c0af8/add-an-exclusion-to-windows-defender
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