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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. I've used the mod one, but PMOD one should be just fine too...
  2. That would be the custom shell/consumables and such mod that uses that file.
  3. The camera scripts one is part of PMOD, the other one is a mod by itself, that doesn't use PMOD. The camera scripts one is part of PMOD, the other one is a mod by itself, that doesn't use PMOD.
  4. vBAddict's ATS/BRR mods? Custom consumables icons and what not? Guess it's either of those two.. hard to tell without any log files vBAddict's ATS/BRR mods? Custom consumables icons and what not? Guess it's either of those two.. hard to tell without any log files
  5. Hehehe.... well I see how it can be misunderstood now that you explain it like that But yeah... Aslain, the man himself, is working on creating the modpack for 9.15
  6. You said it yourself... a newb question. I said he's WORKING on it... working on something means it's not yet done hehe
  7. Is ASIA still on 9.14? 9.15 is out for RU and EU, so don't expect anymore 9.14 modpacks. Aslain is working on 9.15 right now.
  8. Yeah. He's kinda butthurt about it, because Aslain added the enhanced camouflage to the modpack, without asking. Fair enough. But this is overreacting really. (He even made a blog post complaining about it... but removed it again when Aslain withdrew the mod from the pack..) Oh well. It's fairly easy to add a mod using the "Aslains_Custom_mods" folder
  9. I'm sure it'll be added in the 9.15 modpack.
  10. Yes. 24th (tomorrow) for RU. So wednesday is very likely for EU, as we're usually a day behind, unless they run into massive problems on RU
  11. Hehehe..... it's an old feature that returned, since it was broken at some point.... some people only want that information when playing arty
  12. Check the installer. Extra Aim Info: "Only in SPG" - unselect that?
  13. Time to bring out the whip and swing it at Aslain then once he sees the post
  14. Curious. I'm using Version 1 myself, and never experienced the issue you're describing in 9.14.
  15. Isn't the dynamic circle simple showing that "Hey, Binos is on, better expand the circle to reflect it"? (Just a guess ) In any case, 445 meters is the maximum range you can detect someone. Any view range beyond 445m is just countering their camouflage values.
  16. No. That's about all I'll add, lol. It sounds like a really bad idea. Sometimes you've installed a version where everything works to your satisfaction, and not wanting to update, if things doesn't affect you in any significant way. Also this way, if a bug sneaks in, it'll affect everyone using it, instead of just the few that updated to it. Also, the data transfer will be an issue in this case. We've all seen how the website dies when everyone rushes in to get the new modpack when a new version of World of Tanks is out. Right now, (I think) most of the data is handled by sites like MediaFire and such. If it was all to be handled by the website... ugh... RIP website. We'll see what Aslain has to say..
  17. Great, hehe. I checked the installer after posting about it, and the description did say you can move it like that
  18. I don't see any issue? It's just saying it cannot do a version check, but you're already using the latest installer anyways?
  19. I think you can hold down CTRL and drag it.. but not sure! Otherwise someone else might know the answer
  20. Yes (The preview image shows both running - have a peek )
  21. Scroll down to the Non-XVM Hitlog stuff, and find the Multi Hit Log by ekspoint. (Towards the bottom quarter of the list)
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