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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. if you want to report something like that, you're going to have to provide more information... like what is the file name triggering it, and what not...
  2. Like the export that is done every time you install? :P http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/226-27032015-loadinf-for-aslains-installer-v25-gui/
  3. The in-garage winrate is shown directly from the tanks stats.. The in-battle winrate per tank, is shown through XVM, and therefore inaccurate sometimes... not sure when it gets accurate. When you first play a tank, it'll show your personal winrate, as the tanks winrate.. but as I mentioned, not sure when it gets accurate. :)
  4. 9.14 is a completely new sound engine.. so not possible, unless you want to rework them from one system to another.
  5. Display damage done in battle results screen < Read the description of that mod. It has the side effect that mirrors the contour icons on the exact screen in your screenshot. :)
  6. WoWs_da_translation_v5.3.1.06.ini.zip :ph34r: (Getting close to a full translation now, hehe.. missing just a few things still, I'll get those next update :P )
  7. It probably won't change much when it comes to mods.. hell, it might improve the sound mods.
  8. Yeah, he should sleep sometimes, otherwise he makes boo-boos, that might result in deleting your entire existance! :o :o
  9. Hehehe... derping happens, that's just how it is :D
  10. Check the sub-option you selected for it, there are some that increase the size of the icons.
  11. Because its expired again, its updated, Aslain just need to wake up and make a new modpack :)
  12. And if they do, they'd realize that there's both the English and Polish changelog for the latest version..... ;)
  13. Meh, who reads that... I always check the last post in the thread, which is usually fine :P
  14. Where did you see that? (Unless he fixed it already, hehe..) But the latest one is just fine :)
  15. Av av, det lyder ikke godt! God bedring til dig :) Og nej, vi har vidst aldrig spillet World of Warships, men smider da lige en tilføjelse til kontaktlisten afsted :)
  16. Efter en snak med Aslain, giver det hele mere mening for mig.. var ikke klar over der blev lavet en "mods" folder, ud over res_mods. :) Det der er sket er at Aslain's pakke installere JGSME og laver mods mappen, når man installere skins. Når man så uninstallere, ja, så ryger JGSME og mods mappen igen. Så bug var det ikke, men derimod meningen - men dette bliver ændret nu, da man jo, som i dit tilfælde, kan have andre skins end dem fra Aslain's pakke, så nu bliver den mappe efterladt. (Så må folk jo bare selv slette den, selvom de ikke bruger skins fra andre steder)
  17. Hey atomskytten, længe siden! Hvor, sådan helt præcist, havde du JSGME.exe og dens mod-mappe? Hvis de lå inde i \res_mods\, så er det forståeligt nok at de blev slettet. Til en anden gang, uanset om det bliver denne modpakke, eller en anden, så kan du vælge at installere den i en mappe for sig, og så copy/paste det du vil have over til res_mods.. Og bagefter bare slette den mappe du brugte til at installere i, uden at bruge uninstalleren.
  18. You do realize that ARP Kongo and ARP Myoko are anime related ships, riiiiiiiiiiiight? :P http://worldofwarships.eu/en/news/common/arpeggio-steel/
  19. And we don't know if there's a setting you missed, since you didn't properly post a bug report... see my signature (or the pinned thread in the section you posted..)
  20. Since you write "Aim Assist" I'll assume that you posted in the wrong section. You're talking about World of Warships, correct? It's a cheat/illegal, so NO, it will not be part of Aslain's modpack.
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