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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. Careful, or it'll become an old PATA drive, by going back in time :P
  2. Dat pricetag.... dat price.... :blink: For the price of the smallest one (400GB), you could get 2x Samsung EVO 850's at 500 GB each.. :P (Yeah yeah, it's probably faster, but who needs it :P You can only load so fast into WoT, and still have to sit and wait 30+ seconds... :P )
  3. Open this file first: \res_mods\0.9.13\scripts\client\mods\MultiHitLog\Config_File_Chooser.xml To see exactly which config file you need to modify. And then open that json file, and edit to your hearts content. (Recommended: Notepad++, it's free, and just awesome :P )
  4. Yeah, it is quite annoying... A way around it is, if I recall correctly, hold down Ctrl and then click your buddy, and it should switch to him :)
  5. Yeah, spent a small fortune on one for system drive like 4-5 years ago, and also got SSD in my new machine :)
  6. SSD's are indeed quite awesome :) And yes, normal HDD's still need defragmentation, quite quite badly, especially if you keep uninstalling/installing new things. Shit gets spread all over the field, instead of being in one place, so the poor gramophone needle has to visit all places on the old LP, hehe...
  7. The whole point of defragging is to move the file pieces closer to one another - which is pointless, when an SSD has no moving parts. Actually, you'll just put unneeded wear on the SSD by defragging, without getting anything out of it :P Which I'm sure is what you found out, in your research :) So remember kids: Do NOT defrag SSD's. :D
  8. It is already in, use your eyes. :) Hint: Look for "Minimap Tankview Extended"
  9. Thats the clan reward for CWC4.. Are you using random camo mod?
  10. http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/226-27032015-loadinf-for-aslains-installer-v25-gui/
  11. Nej, der er ingen macro der kan vise hvor meget skade der skal til næste mærke. Macroen der viser hvor mange procent du har lige nu, bliver taget fra WoT's egen data. Ved ikke om det er muligt, men en ide til et mod kunne være at man får skrevet alle tal ind i en fil, lidt som det er med WNExpected filerne, og derfra indlæser hvad man skal bruge til næste skridt, baseret på hvad man har... hmm.. hvis der er nogen der kan lave det, er de meget velkomne :D English:
  12. Probably not, but you can always minimize it :)
  13. The confirmation from WG is in my post above yours. :) Look for the picture someone attached.
  14. Hm. I think you're going to have to take a screenshot to show what it is, exactly, that you're talking about. I'm a bit unsure at the moment :( Hehe.
  15. Please read both posts above. There's plenty of instructions combined in those. (All you need) :)
  16. Those are WGR (WarGaming Rating) You need to change that on http://www.modxvm.com http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/4-faq/
  17. The average expected damage shown on tanks, will all be green - since it's well - the average. If you do more damage than the average on a tank, it'll be blue or above. If you do less damage than the average on a tank, it'll be yellow or below.
  18. I think it's more of a WG bug. But not sure. If you close the window, and then go to the person that sent you the message and "Send Message" so the window opens again, it'll display the message.
  19. Okay, so, a few things.... Why is it a false positive? Look at Virustotal... one hit. Now take that antivirus program, and Google it. Result: A Chinese antivirus company, and majority of reviews I found, give it HORRIBLE ratings. Trusting a random Chinese company, over, say, Kaspersky, is a bit crazy. And Google result for the Chinese "trojan" report is: Trojan:W32/Yakes variants attempt to connect to and download files from remote servers. False positive reason might be right there... since the installer connects to and downloads from remote servers, if you selected DLC options, and on starting, to check for a newer installer.
  20. Minimap Tankview Extended is _NOT_ illegal, since it does _NOT_ show the turret direction outside the draw distance. See this thread for more information, with WG Admin response too. http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/3578-minimap-tankview-extended-prohibited-na/
  21. Illegal mods are already marked. If you found one that isn't - post it.
  22. https://milkym4n91.wordpress.com/2015/12/19/type-59-gold-skin-for-the-t-34-3-and-regular-type-59/ Additional link :)
  23. WoT's blacklist, and they'll be marked in every game you see them in.
  24. The amount of people playing at 4K resolution is probably so few it would ultimately be a huge waste of time for Aslain to adjust things to fit there as well.. (I don't think there's a "One size fits all" image, when it comes to screen resolutions) (The contour icons are made with TankIconMaker)
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