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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. Just don't select it, problem solved :P There's two behaviors in WoT. Scroll wheel and pressing Shift. NoScroll blocks the scroll wheel option, but you can still use the Shift option.
  2. True, hehe... I've done that so many times myself, screwing up the selection and having to restart the installer :P
  3. That custom installation dropdown box is selected by default, since it's the top most option. Simple solution is to just click once on the first thing you normally have selected on the list. (One of the color scheme's at the top, for example) Click that, and scroll to your hearts content with the scroll wheel :)
  4. v4.1.28 (20-01-2015): - added minion 6th sense sound :P
  5. Curious, in .16 Aslain removed it due to that message, maybe Aslain forgot to remove it from one of the sights? This is from .16: - replaced camera scripts back to sights.pyc (prosights script is showing a warning message that script is being used illegaly + advertising 3rd party russian modpack in garage) Also remember to read and do this: http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/9-how-to-report-a-bug-or-issue/
  6. Last clan icon update was 4 months ago, by the XVM team. :mellow: (according to their download page)
  7. Press Esc, and go into Settings, during battle.
  8. http://www.modxvm.com/en/download-xvm/
  9. on modxvm.com you can see that NA was last updated : 11.09.2014
  10. Some Italian translation snuck into English it seems: "MeltyMap's MathMod (verde)" (The "verde" part)
  11. Very odd then, as my KV-2 shows up just fine. You'll need to post your logs and what not, (Aslain will be asking for those, if they're not here :) ) See the instructions here: http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/9-how-to-report-a-bug-or-issue/
  12. I'm using the 10 steps by Wotlabs (with 2 reds) just fine. Cannot speak for the original option though.
  13. Could it have something to do with: - replaced script sights.pyc with ProSights.pyc on certain crosshairs to fix reload bug I'm using Melty's aim. There was no travel time issue that I noticed in 4.1.14.
  14. The installer saves the install list By default it's located in the World of Tanks main folder, it's called: _Aslains_Installer_Options.inf and _Aslains_Installer_CompList.log
  15. Actually, default toggle is is "none". There is no toggle key by default. You'll need to change the key in the file mentioned in the quote. The key codes needed are here: http://www.soloviyko.com/faq/enable-large-minimap-for-those-of-you-who-would-like-the-option-of-a-large-minimap-by-pressing-e-g-left-ctrl/ (For example, Keypad 0 is keycode: 82.
  16. It is already included? Added in 4.1.10 And current version is 4.1.12... time to update? :P
  17. Clicking update stats on modxvm website can take anywhere from minutes, to hours/days. Patience.
  18. You probably selected something like Advanced Skill Tips, which changes the client language to Polish (It says so in the Installer)
  19. True - but not Normal tanks which are Elite. And Normal includes both Elite and Non-Elite.
  20. You could also use this, if it doesn't get added to the installer. http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/66-using-your-own-mods-with-the-installer/
  21. Advanced tips for skills PL (changes client language to Polish) <<<< There's your problem.
  22. The same way you return your crew to the E 50, works on returning the crew to the Pz Kpfw IV Hydrostat. Last used crew will always be returned - so this is kinda useless, unless you have multiple crews you need to train in the same premium.
  23. Yeah, no modification needed this time :D You're the best Aslain :wub:
  24. I've selected "Random Battles" and the "Send to Platoon chat" - but it only seems to post when there's less than 7 alive, like the "Send to team chat" says. It should be posting when everyone is alive too, surely? :-) (Since "spam ban warning" isn't an issue in a platoon chat) Edit: Found the config file for it and changed the line for the max amount on team. I'm guessing the installer should be setting that to 0, if you select the Platoon option :D
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