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RaJCeL last won the day on April 20 2023

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About RaJCeL

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  1. Message should be fixed now (not pop up)
  2. Thanks for reporting. I will fix message today and link with next YK update.
  3. Do you see any pattern that can help to replicate the issue?
  4. To clarify my understanding: you play battle, die before battle ends, go to garage, open notification center, it is still opened when battle ends and you get results, after that you cannot open any other battle results and solution is to restart game. Is that right?
  5. Hello, I have checked logs and saw nothing useful. I have tried to play 15 games in a single game run and no issue with YasenKrasen. Is there some specific usage scenario that I need to follow?
  6. Indeed, a lot of happening in my life, so not much time for modding and manual updating. I am in discussion with other mod maker to have more automated way of gathering events. It is a big improvement, so perhaps will take us some weeks at least, maybe more to provide improved version to users. Thanks to that the number of event types can increase, because minor events would be included as well.
  7. No errors in python.log. Issue not specific to one mod as you say: having issue with Ragnastats as well. I would suggest: - repair game client, - add exception to firewall/antivir, - open ports on router (find list on wg support), - verify running as an admin on all 3 WorldOfTanks.exe from paths: - World of Tanks - World of Tanks\win32 - World of Tanks\win64 (right click, properties, compatibility tick run as admin)
  8. Hi, I don't see YK on the screenshot, so nothing to fix from my side. Regards
  9. Z mojej strony też bez problemów.
  10. Fixed, please have a look 🙂
  11. Will check tomorrow. Thanks for reporting.
  12. Zapewne w najbliższych dniach.
  13. Will fix that tomorrow. Thanks for reporting.
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