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Everything posted by Grandorf

  1. Hi What happened to client language? "xvmres/icons/lang/{{region|EU}}/{{language|default}}.png"
  2. @Volestrangler Good oldfashioned detectivework. Thats how a good forum works, everybody bouncing ideas and helping each other.
  3. Hi Still going for opinions. Mods that has been banned but now used: "XVM" "Zoom" "enemy direction on minimap" "enemy last seen on minimap" "damage taken by unspotted enemy" "Attac" "OTM reload" "Direction box" "Advanced Aimingsystem" "Hitskins" Maybe some others? Mods that are commonly used: "Tundra" "destroyed objects on minimap" "Automatic fire extinguisher" Maybe more, depends on what forums you read. Mods that sadly also are used: "aimbot" "Shadow" "redball" "readpoll" "something was hit" "Lasers" "Tracers" "Remove penetrateable objects" "X-Ray" "Cameleon" "Marked nondestructable objects" "Arty aim in tanks" Probably more, these makes the game ridiculous. Mods that are discontinued or urban myths: "Glasstank" "Sixth Sense without perk" "Shoot through objects" Which are acceptable? Do they make you better? Should WG force vanilla?
  4. Hi Sad news: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/262776-097cross-hairmeltymapsmathmod-last-update/page__st__1420__pid__10636599#entry10636599
  5. Hi C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain Open with Notepad++.
  6. Hi Its in minimapLabels.xc Scroll down to this: }, "format": { "ally": "<span class='mm_a'>{{vehicle}}</span>", "enemy": "<span class='mm_e'>{{vehicle}}</span>", Thats how mine look only showing vehiclename.
  7. http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/2206-cds-colored-damage-stickers/?p=11937
  8. Hi There could be some confusion amongst the modmakers. Remember reading this: http://english.gosu-wot.com/new-hit-decals-on-9-7-test/ http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.nl/2015/03/new-hit-decals-on-97-test.html
  9. A few more suggestions: Ingame settings try window mode. Update (reinstall GPU drivers) https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/929833/
  10. Hi That is exactly what Tundra mod does. Strange. Use script versions, never .exe.
  11. Hi The correct names can be found in vehicleNames.xc. Find the MeltyMapsProtractorSettings.xml and add data.
  12. Sounds strange. Could be some settings gone bad. I mean the mod is the same but gameclient has changed. Nobody else seems to have this though. You know the settings but just in case: http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/349743-wot-9x-guide-for-better-fpsgraphic-optimization-30/
  13. More opinions folks. I know you have all tried them. The ranting started when Warpack gained attention and Sela got caught "testing" it. He got a slap on his fingers but the damage was done and everybody said clans are all using illegal mods. Ofcourse there are amazing players that dont need these to be good at WoT, they have an eye for this game. Like Almace said, its mostly up to youreselves and how much info you can handle. It seems we have reached the peak on how many "unfair" mods we can produce from the info given from the server. Therefore I think the excitement will level out and players will tune down the amount of mods they will cram into the game.
  14. Hi Aslains newest modpack has Meltys back. Download and install. Remember you should allways save and zip youre tweaks into Aslains_Custom_mods folder for autoinstall.
  15. @98whiteMC Was it a mod you used or some ingame settings?
  16. If you want to be a good player and eventually compete for worldwide fame and money, then you have to play absolute vanilla. If you are a statpadder then these mods can help you. There are better ways to succeed in WoT, play in team, platoons. Some nice mods so the game looks pretty, some cold beers and a good radiochannel on VLC. But thats just me :)
  17. Hi Im not sure if you mean that the stutter problem disappeared? If not: Please know that this is ment seriously when I ask if youre mouse (driver) could be the problem? Sometimes the problem can be elsewere and not the mod. Cleaning computer and installing new drivers, software could help with strange occurances in game.
  18. Hi Wanted to start a discussion/poll on what fans of Aslains modpack think of these "banned" mods. First of, you cant hack Wot. Nobody has succeeded. That would give devastating effects like "godmode", "autospot", "shoot through objects" et.c. So what we are talking about is mods that give some sort of advantage. OTM-reload is the newest to gain acceptance despite having been illegal. Not so long ago any zoom-mod was illegal. So what gives unfair advantage? Binoculars? Goldammo? Autoloader? Hell, even SerB thinks "sixth sence" perk was too much. Tundra is coming strong, destroyed objects on minimap is widely used. Lasers and tracers are ridicoulus and aim-bot is a stupid mod to use. So what are youre opinions?
  19. Hi Try remove old XVM-fonts, clean Aslain, res_mods folder and reinstall newest modpack.
  20. Hi If you temporarely use an update before Aslain then carefully confirm in Windows only files you need to overwrite. Leave configs, just overwrite necessary .pyc.
  21. Hi Just find a nice minimalistic Damage Panel and send a requst to Aslain for concideration. There are so many options. http://worldof-tanks.com/category/damage_panel/
  22. Hi Tundra mod has become very popular. My personal opinion is that they all do a halfassed job. Speedtree replaces original trees with much thinner foliage, looks wierd but gives good fps. Tundra is too on/off, unrealistic and you have to toggle a lot if you try to find bushes where enemy could hide et.c. This would be a good option where you could adjust density, realistic and not that cheaty. More blurring/transparency than removing http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/356326-banned-mods/page__pid__7269970#entry7269970
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