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XVM apparently in the game now

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I've had a few games now where players are evidently using XVM. Opinions about it may vary, but XVM can be quite a powerful tool - e.g. knowing which of the enemy players are high- or low-rated can be important for tactical decision making.


Just out of interest, is XVM due to be added to Aslain's modpack when a stable version is available? I assume that it would be "legal", given its wide use in WoT.



  • Administrator

You know that XVM stands for eXtended Visualisation Mod. What you're talking about is Player Stats (in WoT XVM can display stats, but it's like 1% of it's capabilities).


There is a mod for WoWs that can display player stats on game interface but it's limited to RU server only (unless someone made it for the other regions but is not sharing it with public) 


There is also external application called mxstat and it's available in the modpack. Yes it's allowed.

  • 9 months later...
  • Moderator

Probably still RU only, as it has been in the past.


Instructions are old - mentioning scripts file, and it doesn't contain that, heh.

Not sure I'd trust that site, tbh.

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