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Start Battle button is missing, battle never loads

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I have run into this issue intermittently, and usually have to restart the game in safe mode to load into the battle.  I believe it might be with the 'Hooterz' style navigator, because you had said the issue with the smoke counter was resolved.  Log file attached.  Already done the scan and repair and other requisite troubleshooting steps mentioned in the sticky post.


  • Administrator

What is screen resolution of your game? Someone posted similar problem last week, and he also mentioned Hootorez style, but I never reproduced it on my PC :/ I would say don't play with Hootorez style if you're sure this is causing it to you.

Posted (edited)

I have experienced the same issue and have to use task manager to escape the game and restart.  When I restart, I drop into the battle.  There is no crash message.  I run 1920 x 1080 windowless as well.


Image below is what my game screen appears as when not able to enter battle.









Edited by bat1159man

Until the 2019 patch, i've had this bug intermittently.


Best i figure is it's either the amount of mods used, or the glare/fog removal mods.


Update - I was using Nomogram's dynamic crosshairs and removed it on  the chance it was causing the issue - the issue was fixed and now do not have the problem


I have the same problem, same screen resolution. I tried the swf file. Worked at first, but on the third game the problem returned. I've got other mods installed, so I need to keep eliminating them. 


Note that I have never had this problem prior to 8.1.1, been using the mod package for about 6 months. Now it happens once every three to five games. 


Once I am sure I know which mod triggers it, I'll report.


i don't use any of the dynamic crosshairs, i use the "Gun Marker Shapes" marker #4.  One thing I did notice as being the same as  bat1159man is the Hakabase side panels using the Hakabase contour icons.  I am testing with this turned off with a different side panel to see if it helps.


Anyone else with this problem using the Hakabase v3 side panels?


Okay, so here is what I have done and I will update to inform if this works. I have changed the navigator mod from hootorez to another style. I have also disabled all the smoke counter mods. The other mods I disabled are as follows: Remove unwanted texts from map view, Advanced Hp Bar indicator, Pingometer, Score timer, Shot Timer, Help Me! (captain skills and signal flag helper), Dog tags remover, Torpedo warning: torpedobeat, Big Waves (Rough Seas), Extended tech tree. I don't use the dynamic crosshair mods or side panels. Here is the .zip file just in case.


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