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OTM - ProAlpha? WR ?

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So the OTM has that ProAlpha score thing for EU now... What is it? Google didn't give up anything for me, no leaderboard score i'm familiar with.


Also the winrate, is that generally for the player or for the specific ship?


I've tested it in training mode with different enemy ships. WR is overall random WR on all classes. PR is taken from Proships and is shown for given class of ship: cruiser, destroyer etc, but this can be changed to another values ex. all WR, class WR, DMG, amount of battles.


I have a question. If it is working for anybody in ranked mode ?




Much needed info, thanks! No idea if it works on ranked, at rank 10 don't even want to try to bridge the gap to 1.


I think you're right about that Odo that they have other options, these being the useable possibilities. "wins" and "classRate" are the ones displayed.

        <bind name="watch" value="'allRate'; $allRate"/>        
        <bind name="watch" value="'allBattles'; $allBattles"/>        
        <bind name="watch" value="'classRate'; $classRate"/>        
        <bind name="watch" value="'classBattles'; $classBattles"/>        
        <bind name="watch" value="'wins'; $wins"/>        
        <bind name="watch" value="'allDamage'; $allDamage"/>

Gonna try to substitute the classRate later for something more tangible.




On another note, the mod is out of alignment/overlaps when using the custom icons.xml, and i think overlaps with the speed/torp alt marker.

I've adjusted it to fit next to the health bar for myself, maybe if u want to mess around with making it compatible when those options are checked. Changes below.

Might be a better way to fit it to a specific element, but i'm no expert, just messing around to make it work.



\alt_markers\settings.xml - Line 468 (Offset value)

  <unbound active="true">
    <config path="../unbound/proAlpha.xml" rootElementName="Enemies"/>
	<offset x="0" y="-28"/>

\gui\unbound\proAlpha.xml - Line 30 & 50 (Left value)

				<block type="text"> <!-- winRate -->
					<styleClass value="$TextDefaultBold"/>
						<top value="0px"/>
!! This >> 					<left value="8px"/>
						<width value="80px"/>
						<height value="12px"/>
						<textColor value="0xFFFFFF"/>
						<fontSize value="12"/>
						<multiline value="false"/>
					<bind name="text" value="format(wins, 0) + '%'"/> 
					<bind name="style" value="'textColor'; wins  > '61' ? '0xD042F3' :
														   wins  > '56' ? '0x9999FF' :							
														   wins  > '54' ? '0x00B9B9' :							
														   wins  > '52' ? '0x4CC112' :							
														   wins  > '49' ? '0xFFDC00' :							
														   wins  > '46' ? '0xF56914' :							
				<block type="text"> <!-- classRate -->
					<styleClass value="$TextDefaultBold"/>
						<top value="0px"/>
!! This >> 					<left value="106px"/>
						<width value="80px"/>
						<height value="12px"/>
						<textColor value="0xFFFFFF"/>
						<fontSize value="12"/>
						<multiline value="false"/>


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