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Carousel filters not working

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The options to select which tiers, classes etc. to display in the hangar are not showing. Default filters are shown instead, but they don't work either.


A clean res_mods with installation of nightly XVM build 4625 for 0.9.9 will work perfectly, but with Aslain's pack wont, even if I install said XVM over it and configure it to use the default settings. Something outside XVM is conflicting with this feature, but I failed to identify what.


Python.log show this seemingly related errors:


On Client startup:

ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 62, in <lambda>
ERROR:   File "xvm_profile/__init__.py", line 139, in DAAPIModule_registerFlashComponent
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/framework/entities/DAAPIModule.py", line 80, in registerFlashComponent
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/framework/entities/DisposableEntity.py", line 17, in create
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/daapi/view/lobby/hangar/TankCarousel.py", line 84, in _populate
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/daapi/view/meta/TankCarouselMeta.py", line 95, in as_setIsEventS
ERROR: Exception: PyGFxValue - Failed to invoke method as_setIsEvent.

On Client exit:

INFO: PostProcessing.Phases.fini()
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/framework/entities/DAAPIModule.py, 133): Error during <gui.Scaleform.daapi.view.lobby.hangar.TankCarousel.TankCarousel object at 0x24FC21B0> flash disposing

I tried to use a pure-XVM "scripts" folder, the problem persisted. Its something related to scaleform, maybe?




Removed res_mods\0.9.9\gui\flash\TankCarousel.swf and solved the problem. Clean XVM doesn't have this file, and its aparently good to nothing. Carousel features are fully functional without it.


I had the same problem. Ensure that the selected tank hilite option is turned off in the installer fixed the problem for me.

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