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Crew Experience Extended incorrect

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Crew Exp extended does not show the correct information.  As you can see in the screenshot, the experience needed to reach the next skill level is not the same as the actual amount needed.  Aslain, I know that this is not your mod, but Spoter has stated in his WoT forum post for this mod that he will no longer be supporting it via the forum.  Do you have a way for me to contact him outside of the WoT forum to let him know of this problem?


  • Moderator

The tooltip is showing what you need from 99 to 100.

"You will need roughly 9,550 exp from 99% to 100% of First skill"

The window shows the exact number. I'm guessing he has no way of dynamically updating the tooltip number.

  • Moderator

Scratch that, you can change it yourself.


By default it's using this macro: {exp-step} (amount of experience to the next level of skill is studied)


The one you need to use is this macro: {training-progress} (the current level being studied at the moment skills)


So under this section: "hangar_crew": {

Find this line: "rank_string": "[{exp-step-battles}|{exp-step}] {rank}",
And change it to: "rank_string": "[{exp-step-battles}|{training-progress}] {rank}",

That changes the exp needed to the next step to the actual skill level.  So, instead of showing 11/4.4k  it shows 11/99 where 99 is the skill level (99%) of that crew member.  I changed the line in both my language as well as all languages. Once just in my language, then in all languages...same result.  Thanks for your help...it is not really a big deal though. 


  • Moderator

Derp.... my bad. Looked at the wrong thing, haha.


{exp-step} is the current one :P


And it was this line that needed fixing:

"role_string": "[<font color=\"#00FF00\">{training-battles}</font><img align=\"top\" src=\"img://gui/maps//icons/library/BattleResultIcon-1.png\" height=\"14\" width=\"14\" vspace=\"-3\"/><font color=\"#FFFF00\">{exp-step}</font><img align=\"top\" src=\"img://gui/maps//icons/library/XpIcon-1.png\" height=\"16\" width=\"16\" vspace=\"-3\"/>]{role}",
Posted (edited)

Oh well, that shows the same as it does with the original configuration.  The amount to go from 99%-100% is 9.6k.  My crew member needs 3.8k to reach 100%.  That is the info that I think would be most useful. 


Even on another crew member who needs 114,968 xp to reach 100%, the mod shows 143k needed to reach 100%.  So even the original configuration is not correct.


Edit:  The estimated battles needed is correct, it is just that the xp needed is incorrect.

Edited by bkc1965
  • Moderator

:angry:  :(  :wacko:  :blink:  < That's about the emotions I'm going through, lol....... (and sorry if I'm wasting your time..  :mellow:)


Well, here's a google translate of the macro list... I'm out of suggestions, and too pissed off to try anymore  :P


// {skillicons}: (only in "barracks_crew") icons skills
// {training-level}: the current level of skill without bonuses
// {basic-training-level}: the current level of skill bonuses
// {firstname}: Name
// {lastname}: Surname
// {rank}: Title
// {exp-total}: ​​the total amount of experience to the next skill (rounded)
// {training-battles}: the number of fights to the next skill, taking into account the prem status (rounded)
// {nxtskillvlv}: The next available level of skills
// {skillsCnt}: the current number of skills
// {training-progress}: the current level being studied at this time skills
// {role}: Position
// {curexp}: dialed experience
// {vehicleType}: class of technology
// {exp-step}: amount of experience to the next level of skill is studied
// {exp-step-battles}: the number of fights to the next skill level, taking into account the prem status (rounded)
// {exp-free}: free, not the distribution of experience
// {lastSkillLevel}: the current level of skills

You are definitely not wasting my time.  This has been a learning experience and I like to learn.  I have changed the exp-total to exp-step in all three languages and ended up with the crew member that had 99% skill level showing the correct information but the ones that have something less than 99% showing incorrect.  So, I created a problem by solving a problem.  So, I am giving up on this now.  Thanks for your help.

  • Moderator

The ones below 99% should be correct too, but it'll only show XP needed for a 1% increase, otherwise you'll need to use the total XP one, which will then be a bit off, compared to what you have vs what you need.

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