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New/Updated highlighting.

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Simply put I would like something that highlights the changes since the last update.  So when it says "- added Armour Penetration Indicator by lelicopter & lportii" in the installer it would be highlighted in yellow per say.


I know this may not be easy at first.  You would need to keep track of which version they have.  And then for each line/item in the installer you would need a version number attached somehow, hidden or not from the end user.  Then the installer just colors the text of any lines that have a higher version number then their previously installed version.  The exception would be if there is no previous version installed, then do not highlight any lines.


This could even be used to create your update forum posts.


I know this might be a project.  So maybe best to start with 10.0 of WoT.  Since you will be adding all lines then.


I know I have simplified, and there is more to it.  But this would help a lot as I spent half an hour today just trying to find one thing you added, and that is typical.


Great mod pack, and if you can't do it, it is still a great mod pack.

  • Administrator

There was a plugin for Inno that would let me change some text styles in component list, but it's not updated anymore, and available version is bugged so, not a chance, unless someone updates it (I doubt, it's chinese plugin)

Posted (edited)

GlareMasters, it only adds one variable (the version number) to each entry.


Below is an example using made up numbers.


- gun sounds by Gnomefather
- chat_filter mod                                                                                               (4.6.12)
- Johny_Bafak's Vertical Techtree v0.72                                                      (4.6.18)
- Direction Indicator by ZJ                                                                               (4.6.27)
- Tank Lamps (toggle: F2 key)                                                                       (4.6.21)
- Info Panel by masheene (languages: EN, PL, FR, DE)                            (4.6.20)
- Armour Penetration Indicator by lelicopter & lportii                                    (4.6.22)
Then depending on your installed version, maybe the top and middle lines would be highlighted in color.
But alas the freeware installer Aslain is using (Inno Setup) does not have this capability to highlight, although the version number would still be helpful.
Edited by FullTank
  • Moderator

That version number would clutter things up, if you ask me...

If you want to see the changes since the last time you installed, there's always the changelog with the full list of things that was changed. :)

  • Administrator

Adding too many version tags on the list will leads to problems with custom translations, that are always being translated on later time, or never sometimes. I'm trying to not use many version tags in the list because of that.

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